POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON – The Final Mission of Jesus

POSITIVE WRITTEN SERMON - The Final Mission of Jesus

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This message is for people of all religions. It is a powerful message. It is a message of Jesus Christ.

The final mission of Jesus was to introduce the Holy Spirit into your mind, into your body, and into your life.

Let me share with you John 14:15-21, 23-26. It is the promise of the Holy Spirit to you.

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another [Counselor], to be with you forever. This is the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him, nor knows him. You know him, because he abides with you, and he will be in you. I will not leave you orphaned; … “

I will not leave you orphaned. Many times, we have felt orphaned.

The Bible says that we are children of God, but many have felt orphaned before?

The promise of God is, “I will not leave you orphaned.” I am with you at all times.

“I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you.

In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you also will. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.

They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.”

“Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; and the word that you hear is not mine but is from the Father who sent me.”

Jesus says, “Listen, I am not the one talking here. Something is talking through me. I am hearing it for the first time also.”

“I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the [Counselor], the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name (nature), will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.”

Jesus told His followers that after the ascension they were to go to the upper room in Jerusalem. He says the same thing to you. The upper room is a high, peaceful place of consciousness inside of you. Think of yourself – you are the temple of the living God.

Where is the upper room today? It is inside of you. You can visit the upper room at any time, and have that experience with God.

This is where the Holy Spirit comes, where the Holy Spirit descends upon you and you find new power.

We possess a dynamic power beyond anything we can imagine.

A few years ago, Sir Oliver Lodge was quoted as saying this: “There is energy enough in one cubic inch of ether to run a forty-horsepower engine for 40 million years.”

I like that. The power that is available to us in God is beyond all human conception.

It is beyond our comprehension, even for those who are in the ministry because as much as we know, there is so much more to God. There is more to our realization of this Power that can come to us at any time.

Jesus says to you, (this is Jesus talking directly to you this morning), that all power should be given to you. This carries with it the idea in your life of unlimited capacity. For mastery and dominion on over all the circumstances in your life, you need the power of the Holy Spirit.

There is a tremendous, unused, yet undeveloped power available to you at all times.

This is the power of the Holy Spirit.

It does not come into expression, though, until you call upon it. Now, anyone who has felt the baptism of the Holy Spirit can tell you that it is a beautiful and extra-ordinary experience. Jesus knew you needed a personal helper, a very individual helper. This individual helper is yours this day. It is the power of the Holy Spirit.

People often ask, “Who is this Holy Spirit? What is this power that has been given to us by Jesus Christ?”

The apostles knew the Holy Spirit as the third person in the trinity. The Father is always the first, the Son is second, and the Holy Spirit is third. God is everywhere present. You have God’s Word speaking in you right now. It has spoken in you in the past. This Word says to you, “My child, with me you can get through this. With me, you can be healed.”

You have heard that Word. Now, your human mind might have taken over, and said, “Oh, that’s nonsense. I won’t have any part of that!” And that’s your free-will do that. But you have heard the Word that was given birth by the Mind of God. You can work with the Word. You can also speak to yourself the Word of God through the power of your own spoken word.

The Holy Spirit is the movement of that Holy/Whole activity of God inside of you, outside of you, into manifestation and demonstration. The terms Father and Son express an eternal relationship. The Holy Spirit is the infinite “breath” of God, as the Son is the infinite “Word.” God is located anywhere you recognize God. If you, this morning, recognize that you are not alone, that you are not orphaned, that you have a power that is with you, you are recognizing, not this church or this sermon, but you are recognizing God and God’s power directly. It seals you to an identification that forever changes you, and who you think you are. It seals within you an idea that you are more than flesh and bones, that you are not out there alone trying to recreate everything, and rebuild the wheel. You are immersed in God’s help that is ever-present and available to you right now.

To the extent that you and I identify ourselves with this Mind of God, the only source of existence, we become Spirit in expression, until finally the union is so perfect that it attains a perfection. That is the time we can say with Jesus Christ, “I and the Father are one.” In making your demonstrations, you work with the conviction in your heart that you are one with God. In the times of silence, you know that you are one with God, and you know that all will be revealed to you.

In the Bible, ideas are symbolized by fish. An idea is an original, a primary,
or an unlimited thought of being. In God Mind, it is the eternal word, or the logos. In the idea – are involved all the potentialities that are and can be evolved through you. Ideas are catching. We are all heavily charged with ideas. You are charged with ideas right now that could change your life; ideas that can revolutionize your existence.

You are charged with them. When these ideas are released, they spring forth and pass from mind to mind, being recorded as they fly. When they are expressed, the whole of humankind is lifted up.

You cannot find God without lifting up everyone around you because of what you are radiating in your consciousness. These true ideas are charged with an uplifting Spirit. You are bringing Divine ideas into manifestation just by your willingness to sit here this morning and accept some of these ideas for yourself, as yourself, and for others through yourself.

Jesus said that we are co-existing with God. Jesus said that we are interacting, inter-communicating with God at all times. He also said that there is a highness to this experience.

The highness is to receive the Holy Spirit. “He breathed on them and said unto them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.'” Listen to the power of the spoken word for you this morning.

In the presence and the power of the Christ, you proclaim your perfection. Through Jesus Christ, you are the master of every realm of consciousness in your being. Through Jesus Christ, you enter into a full and complete understanding of how to handle all states of consciousness inside of you to the glory of God. You are illumined with the light of Spirit.

You bring every thought into captivity, to the obedience of the Christ. You commit all your works unto God’s good, and your purposes are established. Every plane of consciousness in you is transformed by the renewing of your mind.

And so it is. Amen.

The power of the spoken word lies within every one of us. We can begin by freeing the little, small ideas we have, and fill our minds with thoughts of God’s plenty. We must realize that all power is given to us in heaven and on earth, as Jesus said. He told His apostles that they should receive power when the Holy Spirit had come upon them. They were told to go to that upper room, within us we find the upper consciousness where spiritual forces begin the formation of new ideas.

After you get into the spiritual consciousness and receive the quickening, speak the word with authority and with power, concentrating the attention on the power center in the throat. When the soul makes complete union with God Mind, there is always an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This is the true glorification, which comes by the acknowledgment that God is with me; true glorification, the acknowledgment by the God that the Child is indeed lifted up and glorified.

Thus you can be assured of an inner guide that is willing to direct you. We are talking about you individually; you, the individual sitting here this morning, not the disciples 2,000 years ago. This is more than a possible possibility.

This is an assurance given to you. There is an inner guide with you, that is willing to direct you, and speak through you. But you must be open and receptive in your mind and listen to this wonderful helper.

When you let the Holy Spirit come into your full awareness, God’s perfect plan will unfold in your life. All the good thoughts, words, and prayers are put into action with power and authority. The Holy Spirit is important to anyone who has a need of healing. We all need to be filled, and refilled, with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

As we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, we are renewed, healed, and restored in mind, body, and soul.

The Holy Spirit will take over when you let it speak through you, lead you, heal you, and fill your heart with love, compassion, and understanding. Since the Holy Spirit represents God in action, we need to use this power to act through us, to heal us, and to speak through us. When we have prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to take over, it’s going to flood our whole being, not so much with excessive emotional feeling, but as a warm, loving presence that literally speaks and acts through us.

Act as if you already have the Holy Spirit.

The person who would have fruit from the tree of life, must reach up and get it. He, or she must aspire to it first, and then in prayer, and true word, act as if he had already received it; he must go right ahead living the Gospel, healing the sick [basically in today’s life, most of the healing of the sick is healing yourself] and doing other commandments of the Master, exactly as if he were already filled with the Holy Spirit. When the disciples of Jesus wanted to forbid those, who were doing works in his name, he said, ‘Forbid them not.’ So everyone who goes ahead and does the very best he knows in the name of the Most High Good, will be by virtue of their works draw down upon himself the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

What is this going to give you? It is going to give you an inner “revelation of your power and the possibilities of your own being. It is the light that is going to bring to your notice the inner mechanism of your soul and body. Where your eyes have seen only flesh, blood, and bones, the searchlight of the Holy Spirit discloses the presence of secret springs and living streams of energy and life. You will awaken from your dream of only 5 senses consciousness and begin to visit the different rooms in the temple in which you live, but you know so little about with a whole new eye of realization of what this temple is. You are permitted to do so through the light which lighteth every human, coming into the world.

Let us pray. Listen to these words, because I am talking directly to your spiritual consciousness.

I am talking directly to you, your mind, and your body. The word of Truth in you is not idle, but it is quietly spreading from point to point and the process will continue until your whole consciousness is vitalized by the Holy Spirit. The rejuvenating power of the Holy Spirit is now at work inside of you, in every atom and function of your body. It is making you alive. You are radiant with life and wholeness. There is an inspiration of the Holy Spirit that is right now reaching to the individual depth of your soul, and it satisfies your every need.

We pray, this morning, in the Holy Spirit, the whole spirit of God. We turn problems over to the Holy Spirit.

We are able to relax and let the Holy Spirit direct the outworking. The comforting, sustaining presence of the Holy Spirit is now uplifting you. It is strengthening you. You are feeling a power, you are feeling a strengthening now, in this place, and it’s nothing I am doing, or you are doing; it is the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is expressing itself through you. It is touching you and all that concerns you. It is bringing order and harmony into your life and work. The Holy Spirit is taking command of your affairs, and you are prospered through new avenues of supply. This loving, powerful action of the Holy Spirit is taking command in your body, and you are renewed and restored.

In this acceptance this morning, you accept this power. I pray that it only accelerates and expands in you as this day goes on. As this service ends, nothing is going to end in you. The experience and the religious service is continuing in the true church of Christ which is the temple of the living Lord, your physical body temple.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.


As you rest in the presence of God, listen to these words of the Psalmist.

“Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me” Psalms 139:7-10.

Feel, now, a special leading of the Spirit. These words of the Psalmist express his faith in the guiding, protecting presence of God. They inspire us even more when we realize that the author was writing during a time of conflict and great danger.

God is your help, right now.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

God is with you no matter what your facing.
You do not face it alone.
God’s help is ever-present.
God is your inspiration.
Place yourself, your loved ones, and your friends in God’s loving care.
Entrust the day to God’s keeping and acknowledge God’s protecting Spirit from this attitude of calm, poise and prayer.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

This minute you are gaining new strength and power.
You are having the realization of the assurance, a conviction, and a realization that you, your life, and all you hold dear are safe and secure in God’s loving presence.
Realize that you live, move, and have your being in God.
This brings you to a sense of peace and security.
If you have thoughts of fear or pain this day, realize that you abide eternally in the protecting presence of God.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Dear God, this minute as never before, I am giving myself to You. I am putting my whole trust in You, not only for myself, but for my loved ones and friends. I know that everyone, including myself, is safe and secure. I know, God, that You are watching over us, shielding us, and guiding us. Fill me now with wisdom to know this, and good judgment to always choose this way. Fill me with the guidance to bring me safely through every experience.

“Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit, or whither shall I flee from Thy Presence.”

Rest in the silence of prayer …

God’s presence is instantly available to you right now.
The presence of God, Divine intelligence within your mind, gives an instant answer to every thought.
Your mind is poised in God.
It is established in a citadel of strength against which nothing can prevail.
God’s promise of protection is standing in you.
God is answering your prayer.
There is faith and trust inside of you.
The eternal God is your dwelling place.
Underneath are the everlasting arms.

Rest, now, for a moment in the silence and feel the presence of God …

You feel a sense of peace that comes from power, the power of God within you blessing you, protecting you, radiating from you to bless and protect others.
You are in God’s loving care.
Your family and your friends are in the same care.

You are all safe in God’s loving care, and you are blessed and secure.
The light of God surrounds you.
The love of God enfolds you.
The power of God protects you.
The presence of God watches over you.
Wherever you are, God is!
In this moment, we pray.
In this moment, we know.

Through the power of Jesus Christ … Amen.

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth