Join In Non-Denominational Prayer

Join us in prayer every Tuesday night for one hour.

We begin sharply on the hour listed below.


7:00 p.m. Pacific, 8:00 p.m. Mountain, 9:00 p.m. Central, 10:00 p.m. Eastern


To calculate your exact time with our 9 PM Central United States time, use this World Time Calculator.

Note: EXACT TIME in London is 3 AM Wednesdays, Paris is 4 AM Wednesdays.

Remember, Prayer is the language of Spirit. There is NO TIME and NO SPACE in Prayer – therefore, we invite you to pray with us, at any hour that would be comfortable for you to dedicate to God.

During this prayer hour, we each pray individually, wherever we are, knowing we are all connected in God.

There is no time or space in God.
Many choose to spend the dedicated hour in prayer, praying with those that have posted open prayer requests.

Click here to submit an Open Prayer request.