Easter Offering: http://www.positivechristianity.org/donatepc.htm
“He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you.” Matthew 28:6, 7
What do we think of when we think of Easter? Is it the new clothes, all the family going to church together, the Easter Bunny and egg hunts, or is it the magnificent Easter dinner? Easter is all these things, but each of these things is a ritual in celebration of something greater – Jesus Christ’s overcoming and resurrection.
To know that Jesus Christ was expressing as a human, a person like us, helps us to believe some of the magnificent things that He said were possible for each one of us. Here was a man that expressed His divinity and oneness with God to such a degree that He was able to overcome the worst possible thing His world could do. This empowers each of us to know that with God we too can do anything. Easter celebrates the life of Jesus who even though crucified, CONTINUES to live.
Each of us has been crucified in some area of her or his life. Just knowing Jesus Christ helps us to realize that we too can live again. No layoff, divorce, sickness, or rejection can stand up to the life of God that is with you and within you. You can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil because Jesus Christ has shown you the way. Jesus Christ spoke the truth, and He was life. Jesus encouraged you to have in you what He had in Him.
That Easter morning when Jesus rose from His tomb forever changed His disciples and the people around Him. This Easter, as you meditate on His accomplishments, you become aware of the accomplishments you can achieve when working with God. Recognizing this is in no way discounting His greatest achievement; rather, it magnifies Him by saying we follow Him.
Start by thinking of some of the small daily crucifixions that life may hand to you, and say to yourself that with God you WILL rise again. Do not permit yourself to lie dead in defeat; get up and follow Jesus Christ in His great overcoming.
He that is in you is greater than what is in the world!
We are Easter people because we know that with God we can rise out of our problems and be resurrected into new life. The spiritual power in the Easter event is that it took the lowest point in Christianity and transformed it into the highest point in Christianity. Anytime God is mixed into a human low, it becomes a human high.
Jesus Christ did not just die for us, even more importantly, He LIVES for us. What a dynamic difference that makes in each and every individual life. The death of Jesus Christ accomplished the death of death itself. We read in 1st Corinthians 15:26 “The last enemy to be destroyed is death.”
Many of us have had crucifixions in some area of our life and with God. We have risen again. In thinking about Easter, know that there is no crucifixion that can kill your life; there is no tomb of conditions that can imprison your spirit; and there are no outer guards that can keep you from your God given good.
I pray that this Easter is different for you. I pray that it sparks the awareness that God working with you can’t be defeated by negative things. I also pray that you will not submit to allowing yourself to be defeated by the appearance of defeat. I pray that you know with God – that down does not mean out, because you are an Easter person.
POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: Down is never out for me because I am an Easter person.
POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: “Do something wonderful; people may imitate it.”
Albert Schweitzer
Easter Offering:
By mail: Positive Christianity Box 7993 Woodlands, TX 77387
Thank you!
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Inspiration http://www.youtube.com/PositiveChristianity
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GOD BLESS YOU, Happy Easter!
Christopher Ian Chenoweth