Positive Daily Inspiration – April 18, 2022 – Restoration

Positive Daily Inspiration - April 18, 2022 - Restoration

“Then He said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand,’ He stretched it out, and it was restored, as sound as the other.” Matthew 12:13

Restoration is one of my favorite topics in the Bible, the Christian promise that all can be restored to you.

What is your need of restoration? God can meet the need!

In Matthew, Jesus taught the sacredness of what God had created in the story of the man whose withered hand was completely restored.

If you are seeking healing in the body, or healing of finances, or of career, or relationships, God can meet the need!

If you are seeking healing or praying for another, you, too, understand that God is the source of all restoration, and that help from the power of God is not reserved for a selected few or a special time.

Healing in the body is Divine in nature no matter who assists the healing process. And although the slightest improvement is a blessing, you do not limit your healing to what you, or anyone else, thinks is possible. You open yourself to fully embrace total restoration.

You open yourself to fully embrace total restoration in all other areas of your life too.

Nothing is impossible with God. You are a sacred being of God’s creation.

I remember one time when I was down, and someone said to me “Well, there is time still on the clock!”

I admit that it took me years to fully understand that. Sometimes you can only fully understand something when looking back. This wise person was telling me that nothing is over, until it’s over and tomorrow is a new day. They were so right – restoration and more came.

The most important thing we have to do is cooperate with God by not just sitting down and throwing up our hands and saying, “Oh well, it’s all over now.”

The first step is to believe that with God restoration is possible.

The second step is to follow as God leads.

The third step is not to get too impatient in human mind.

The fourth step is trust in the magnetic power of God to bring your good to you restoring you fully in new and wondrous unexpected ways.

The fifth step is to accept your good.

God answers all who reach out to God. When you are feeling discouraged, worried, lonely, or afraid, you can call on heavenly help in prayer, and God will respond to your every need and concern.

Sometimes God responds by filling our spirits with a sense of peace and a calm that only God can provide. There is a knowing in you that restoration has come. Sometimes God uses our friends and family members to help in the restoration. Sometimes God performs miracles in our lives, transforming the defeats into victories and our failures in triumphs.

God’s response to our needs is immediate but varied. Never doubt that God will respond in the way that God knows is best. When you reach out to God, God reaches back. When you ask, God answers. God knows your needs, and God knows how best to provide for you. You only need to ask, trust, and except God’s love and restoration.


Dear God, I pray for a miracle of total restoration.

Thank You God.

POSITIVE AFFIRMATION FOR TODAY: I fully embrace the possibilities that God can restore my life.

POSITIVE QUOTE FOR TODAY: “In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.” Arnay Janos


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Christopher Ian Chenoweth