“I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves.”
Ecclesiastes 3:12
You are your own travel agent of your daily life. Decide to make the journey fun. It is more of a mindset, than a destination. Get away and leave behind everyday matters, and relax, as we allow the Spirit of God to renew us.
Just as my cell phone is no earthly use unless I plug it in and charge it, we are the same. Like hamsters on a wheel we are often increasingly racing, and get getting nowhere. Sleep recharges the body, but we must also recharge our soul.
I have met people before that have never traveled more than 100 miles from where they were born.
For someone that loves travel this was always sad to me. Sadder still, are people to do the same thing day in and day out, refusing to make any change.
Your life should be an adventure. God wants you to have fun. Work with God to make your life new and exciting.
Read the newspaper for free events in your area and do things that you wouldn’t ordinarily do. Even a walk through a park becomes a joyous experience when we partake.
Go to the movies.
Whatever it is that gets you out of the normal stresses of daily life begins to recharge your soul.
Perhaps a spiritual mini-vacation is the most powerful of all. Taking time in prayer and meditation for rest and renewal no matter where we are. We take a moment to stop what we are doing and give any concern or frustration over to God. And in those few moments with God, we feel at peace and renewed.
With God’s presence any time can be a time of relaxation. We do not need a vacation or trip to be refreshed. By simply becoming still and taking a journey of awareness to God, we are refreshed, and deeply recharged.
Decide today, no matter what is going, that you are going with God. This can become the best time of your life, thus far.
Wake up every day and ask God to send you ideas for adventure and spiritual soul renewal.
Spend time every day in play, for it is as important as work.
Spend time smiling and laughing, searching as an Indiana Jones of your own life to find the joy hidden again.
The destination should be a more vital version of you.
Dear God, bless my life, bless my renewal, bless my ability to play and bless my ability to find new joy wherever I am.
In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen
POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: I am a happy traveler enjoying the journey towards the destinations of my days.
POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: “I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow human being let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”
William Penn
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Christopher Ian Chenoweth