Positive Daily Inspiration – June 20, 2022 – ENTHUSIASM PRAYER

Positive Daily Inspiration - June 20, 2022 - ENTHUSIASM PRAYER

“In Christ shall all be made alive.”
1 Corinthians 15:22


If there is one thing that I’m known for it is my enthusiasm. I wasn’t always an enthusiastic person. It is a trait that I have worked hard to cultivate. It has brought me more happiness than any other single thing that I have done.

Do not focus on what’s wrong. Focus on what’s right and get excited about it!

No one wants to feel dull or lethargic. Enthusiasm is contagious. If you had to choose a person to join you in your work or leisure time, you would look for a person who is enthusiastic about life and living.

Below you will find the enthusiasm prayer. As you affirm it aloud you will feel a new aliveness. Speaking such words is like turning the ignition key of your car and feeling the motor activated. Such words, spoken in faith, provide you with new energy and move you into constructive action. Let the realization of this prayer fill your mind and you will be conscious of the new surge of enthusiasm and energy.

You may not be feeling enthusiastic in the present moment. When I do not feel enthusiastic, I generate up. Turn your thoughts to joy and enthusiasm and think of yourself as enthusiastic and as a radiating center of the enthusiasm to your world. Your outlook cannot help but brighten.

You have God’s joy and enthusiasm in your heart. These qualities are as much a part of your makeup as God’s life, light, and peace. As God’s beloved child, you can be filled with joy and enthusiasm despite conditions in the outer.

You can have both joy and enthusiasm because they go hand in hand; when you have the one, you usually have the other. As you stare up your enthusiasm for life and living, your capacity for joy is also stirred up. Today you decide to bring God’s joy and enthusiasm into your every activity, and you know that such an attitude blesses you and everyone that makes up your world.

Positive Affirmation For the Day (Say aloud):

I decree in the name of Jesus Christ that I am alive, alert, awake, joyous and enthusiastic about life.
I am enthusiastic about life.
I am right now a radiating center of God’s joy.
My life is blossoming with God’s good, and I am thrilled to the core of my being with what is happening right now. Positive new energy comes to my body and mind as I focus on my exciting life.
Through God’s touch and empowerment, I generate personal power to appreciate my life and the people in it.
I smile because I am smiling within.
I laugh because I am laughing within, from the ecstasy of the joyous presence of God.
I pray that my enthusiasm about life will be contagious.
I pray that I can change a person and his/her sad mood by the energy of my presence.
I have an energy that is higher than my own human energy.
It uplifts me and it has the power to uplift others.
I do not hold my light under a bushel, rather I let it shine, eliminating darkness. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” I follow Jesus by consenting to become that light consistently in my life through God’s empowerment of enthusiasm in me.
Today I am enthusiastic about life!

In Isaiah 35:10 the Bible states the truth about you, “Everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: The language of complaint begins with they. The language of solutions begins with I.


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Christopher Ian Chenoweth