God bless this home/business with God’s love. Fill the heart of every person entering with Your Spirit of gentleness and joy, with Your Spirit of forgiveness and compassion, with Your Spirit of understanding and peace. God bless this home/business with love so steady and strong that harmony is the order of every day. God bless this home/business with vibrant continuing life. Renew and restore every person entering this prayerful place. Strengthen and perfect all. Heal and bind up every wound. Let the presence of new renewing life be felt by all that enter here. Let the idea of life so permeate this home/business that health and wholeness are the order of every day. God bless this home/business with Divine Ideas. Fill every person with a renewal of ideas and inspiration so that success and prosperity are the order of every day ongoing. God bless this home/business with happiness. Let the walls echo with the heavenly music of happy hearts. Let happiness be the order of every day. Let a spiritual experience of God-given peace come to every visitor.
We consecrate this place to God the good.
Each room of this home/business will henceforth be sacred.
All its occupants will feel God’s holy presence.
God dwells here.
Whoever enters here will be conscious of the one Divine Presence of Good.
There is only intelligence here.
All ignorance is cast out.
Whoever enters here will be conscious of the pure holy wisdom of God.
No untrue thing can enter here.
There is no falsehood, no deception, no jealousy, no selfishness in this home/business.
Every untrue thought is cast out.
Whoever enters here will be conscious of the Presence of Truth.
No thought of sickness can enter here.
No impurity, no fear can enter here.
All weakness and sickness are cast out.
Whoever enters here will be conscious of the God-given, ever renewing, Presence of Health. Whoever enters here shall be conscious of new Hope in their daily lives.
All thoughts and beliefs about who you are, and about what you can become, are uplifted.
All foolishness, ignorance, doubt, and superstition are cast out.
God is here, and God is security.
Whoever enters here will be conscious of God security and feel safe at a soul level.
This home/business is radiant with joy.
No thought of sorrow or grief can enter here.
All depression is cast out.
The joy of the Lord is here, the sounds of laughter are heard every day within these walls.
Whoever enters here will be conscious of the Presence of Radiant Joy.
Only love dwells here.
This home/business is forever filled with the Presence of God Love.
God is love and God is here.
All anger, hatred, and revenge are cast out.
Whoever enters here will be conscious of the pure, holy Presence of Love.
We are thankful to Thee, Oh God, that Hope Hill is forever filled with Your Presence. No matter what church affiliation, or none, may each person feel Your Presence in his or her own way. We are thankful that this will forever be a place of transformation and renewal at a deep level of the human spirit. We are grateful that all who enter here will be conscious of this, from this day forth at this home/business.
In Jesus Christ’s name… Amen
(I would always give a copy with the business name or street address to the people receiving the blessing that would be suitable for framing with my signature.)