Positive Daily Inspiration – September 2, 2022 – CLEANING UP YOUR LIFE

Positive Daily Inspiration - September 2, 2022 - CLEANING UP YOUR LIFE

“It is God who made the heavens and the earth … nothing is too hard for God.”
Jeremiah 32:17

There is a classic story about a social worker who went into the home of a family and was quite taken back by the condition she found there. The family did not really have a sense of neatness. Everything was filthy. There were old newspapers on the floor and there was a mess everywhere she looked.

She thought and she prayed. She said, “God, how can I, in a subtle way, make them have the desire for cleanliness and better things in life which they could have if they took the time to have it?” One day, she was at a flower shop. She noticed this incredibly beautiful potted plant. It was the most beautiful plant she had seen in some time. She bought it and instead of taking it home to her own house, she took it over to the house of that family.

She set it in the middle of the dining room table. The family started to look at God’s beauty in that plant. They started to look at their surroundings. They saw that the surroundings did not quite match the beauty of the God inspired plant.

They cleaned, and then they painted, and they discovered beauty again.

When you bring something beautiful of God into a chaotic environment it can change everything at home, at the office, or even in a chaotic mind.

It does not take much of God to change everything. Like a small candle can light the darkest room, so can one thought of God brighten a life. God is so perfect that imperfection melts away. Even faith the size of a grain of mustard seed can permanently change a life.

There may be times when you may seem overwhelmed by the day-to-day problems of life. Rather than focusing on these problems, however, you turn your attention to the power of God with you, and in your life.

You look to the beauty of God, and at the same time, release any difficulties to God. Before you can be completely free of anxiety, you must fully release the problem, not just give it to God and continue to worry about it. You trust that because you have God’s love and grace helping you, you can handle any situation. God knows your needs even before you ask, and Divine power is bringing about wonderful results even as you pray.

As you let go of the mess of thinking and worrying about your problems, and let God’s power work in and through you, you will be free from tension, stress, and strain.

There is a power with you that loves and cares for you. As you pray, visualize God’s life moving through you and your life. Envision God’s healing life as a current flowing from the top of your head to the souls of your feet. Imagine God flowing through every aspect of your life cleansing that with Divine perfection.

You hold to the vision of God’s help despite any outer appearances to the contrary. While you are praying, you include others who are in the need of prayer. You know the truth for them just as surely as you know it for yourself. You see them completely helped by God. You are so thankful that God answers prayer.

No challenge is too great for God’s power to dissolve. No mess is too great for God not to be able to clean up. Trust completely in God to guide you and your loved ones on paths of light and happiness.

This Positive Daily Inspiration is sent to you in positive prayer knowing that it will affect your life in a positive way. You rejoice that God’s beauty is moving through your life right now.


Dear God, sometimes my problems seem almost too hard to handle. But You will help me to know what to do and how to do it. Forgive my mistakes and help me to experience Your love; change me into a better person.

Often, I do not know or understand myself really. But You know me, and through faith in You I can be full of truth, health, and happiness. Heal me of all unhappy and unhealthy attitudes.

Give me a real cleansing of my mind. If I am disturbed today, may I receive from You deep healing quietness, and in that quietness, let my uptightness be absorbed in peacefulness.

Let me be troubled no more. Activate me to a new life through Your Spirit.

Clean up my life dear God.

This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ … Amen

POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: Thank You, God, for the power to clean up my life.

POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the world.” Marcus Aurelius


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Christopher Ian Chenoweth