Positive Daily Inspiration – December 14, 2022 – RESTORATION OF HEALTH

Positive Daily Inspiration - December 14, 2022 - RESTORATION OF HEALTH

“Restore me to health and make me live!”
Isaiah 38:16

If you are needing healing, know that God, your Creator, is the great healer.

What can you do when you are confronted with disturbing reports or symptoms of ill health? You can refuse to give consent to them. You can hold steadfastly to the idea of Divine perfection and protection. Created in the image and likeness of God, you have within you all that is necessary for your wholeness.

As you affirm in prayer that the life of God is your healer, you are set free from undue concern. God is always with you in God’s power and might, ready to protect, but also ready to restore.

God will inspire others working with you through their minds and their hands to bring about a total restoration of health.

Every day of Jesus’ Ministry was spent in uplifting and healing people – especially people that human beings thought could not be healed. Was healing just in Jesus’ day? No, healing from God is just as real, today, as it was 2,000 years ago.

Your faithful realization of your oneness with God, gives you release from fear and discomfort. You find that as you continue in positive prayer, holding always before you an image of wholeness, your healing is made manifest.

A powerful healing work is begun the instant you place yourself in God’s care, trusting totally in the healing of every distress or discord. Your concern is replaced with praise for God’s loving spirit with you, right now. God is mighty to heal and powerful enough to meet your every need, even before you ask.

God created you to express life, and that is what you do when you realize that the Divine life is at the very core of your being.

Life – healing life – surges from every atom of your body. You are alive with the life of God, and you feel energized and strong.

Any concern dissolves quickly when you understand that God intended you to live life fully. God formed your body to express health and wholeness, to work efficiently throughout your entire lifetime. So you do not accept any idea or belief that your body is less than what God created it to be. You change any diagnosis to a LIVINGnosis when you change your focus to full life, through you from God.

There is no finer way to work with medical professionals, than to have faith and belief that God is still Creating – and is restoring you in health.

Every hour of every day, you become more of what you were created to be – a radiant expression as a child of God.

Perhaps the greatest gift you can receive from God is wellness.


It is decreed, in Jesus Christ’s name, that full God life of the Creator has come, and will come to you, continually. The full complete life of God misses nothing, and it touches all in you with its ever-renewing perfection. Every cell, organ, and tissue of your body is re-created by God under the Divine blueprint of perfection. You are energized with the energy of God. Your immune system is fortified with almighty power. No sickness can stand up to the power of God’s perfection. You woke up this day to experience full God health in mind, body, and soul.

Positive Christianity prays with you that every minute of this day health will increase and become manifest in you, in fullness.

It is so … In Jesus Christ’s … Amen

POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: I radiate health and vitality.

POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: “Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”
William Shakespeare


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GOD BLESS YOU, Merry Christmas!
Christopher Ian Chenoweth