Positive Daily Inspiration – January 27, 2023 – COME UNTO ME

Positive Daily Inspiration - January 27, 2023

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

People confide that sometimes their lives seem to be chaotic as they come to terms with new ideas, or just opening their minds and hearts to a seemingly larger spirituality.

Some are able to keep their sense of humor; while others begin the fall into overwhelming feelings caused by uprooting themselves from a comfortable place to an unfamiliar place; but all are affected, deeply, by the transitions within their lives.

I am reminded, many times, as I listen to others and within my own life, of a cartoon character, running out of the door of his home, screaming and pulling out his hair – running away from a comical, but real, situation that he just cannot seem to handle adequately. The immediate picture, in my mind, is one of relief, thinking that the character is running away from his overwhelming and crazy situation, but then, I wonder to where is he running? I know that wherever he goes, there he is.

We really cannot run from our lives and from our situations, effectively. So, what do we do in these times of chaos, these times of transitions when it seems as though we just cannot take one more moment of the craziness?

Jesus said, “Come unto me.” That is what we must do, if we are to keep our sanity (or maybe even regain it). We must rest. We must rest amid all the chaos around us. God does not give us more than we can handle, in any moment – truly.

Are you doing too much? More than is needed at any moment that you feel overwhelmed? What must you really do? What can wait, until the next moment, or hour, or day? Procrastination is not necessary. But taking each task in its best and appropriate time and order is necessary. If we are multi-taskers, we still have a limit of what we can do at one time. If we are not multi-taskers, we can only do one thing at a time.

So, “Come unto me,” as Jesus said. Take a breath … and rest. Maybe the rest is purely mental. Rest. Let go of the chain of chattering thoughts and rest. Be filled with God’s purpose and joy, as your transition happens, whatever it may be. Maybe the rest is physical.


Allow yourself to take breaks, even small ones. You will have greater energy, afterwards, and will probably even accomplish more in a shorter amount of time.

As we continue through each day of our lives, we remember the words, “Come unto me.” Whether we are going through transitions, or whether we are just going through a day, we remember, “Come unto me.” We rest as we need to. We rest in God.

As we rest in God, we are filled with God’s awesome strength and peace of mind. We are filled with the knowingness that we are doing the best we can with what we have to work with, at any given time.

God fills us, always, with the peace that we are fulfilling our purpose, one moment at a time. God fills us with the joy of life as we move from moment to moment, day to day, seeing and appreciating all that is before us. God fills us with unconditional love, for ourselves and for others, as we realize that all is truly well.

“Come unto me.”


Dear God, today I come to You.
I ask you to relieve the tension in my mind and body and give me lasting peace.
I pray that You will take away my stress.
I pray that You, dear God, will give me a vision of brighter tomorrows.
Fortify my hope, strengthened my faith, renew my spirit.
I believe and I trust in You.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen

God comes to me as I come to God!

“Nature, time and patience are three great physicians.”
H.G. Bohn

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth