Positive Daily Inspiration – February 1, 2023 – CROSSROADS

Positive Daily Inspiration - February 1, 2023

“In all your ways acknowledge God, and God will make straight your paths.”
Proverbs 3:6

Many people that are reading today’s Positive Daily Inspiration are facing a crossroad in life. Crossroads often cause indecision, fear, and worry within the confused human mind.

Pray for God’s help to open your mind to accept ideas from above in order to open your receptivity to the Divine ideas of God that can put your life back on track again.

Are you facing a crossroad in your life and need to know which way to turn? We are praying with people, today, that are facing crossroads decisions in their lives. In prayer, we ask you to join us – turn to the power of God for inspiration and direction.

God will give you guidance. God will express through you as intelligence and wisdom far greater than your own. Through God, you are capable of making right decisions! As you turn to God, you are inspired by God. As you turn to God, worry and fear begin to diminish. You now open your mind and heart to God’s Divine ideas.

God is your source of continuous direction. You turn to God, and you know what to do and how to accomplish the best results, all the time.

No decision is too difficult for God, and therefore, no decision is too difficult for you. No course of action is unclear when you rely on God for guidance and direction. Your way is revealed as you turn to God for Divine council.

God guides you and directs you, and you are able to see with clarity the way before you. God goes ahead of you on your path preparing the way for your good. With God, with you, and within you, you are motivated to take the steps you need to take to ensure your success.

Do you connect “if only” statements to your thinking and speaking about tomorrow? “If only I had the time and money to further my education … the ways and means to meet the perfect companion … the opportunity to prove my own value and worth to my family, supervisors, or friends.”

When you question your own ability, you are sowing your seeds of faith on rocky ground and in thorny places. To have a happy and successful life, we need to sow our seeds of faith in good soil of putting our faith in God. God turns all “if only” thoughts to strong beliefs of “I have everything I need right now.”

Remember, in the Bible, in Matthew 13:8, it states, “other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some hundredfold.” The Bible promises a hundred fold return on the gifts we give to life through action and faith.

Put your faith in God, who has already put faith in you. God loves you and believes in you. God wants you to be successful. Believe with God that you can do wondrous things.

God fills you with Divine ideas as you travel your life’s path. As you use the ideas you receive in times of quiet prayer and meditation or busy activity, you are successful and fulfilled.


I shall sing a song of praise to God:
strike the chords upon the drum.
God who gives us all good things –
strike the chords upon the drum –
wives, and wealth, and wisdom.
Strike the chords upon the drum.
(From the people of Zaire)

POSITIVE DAILY AFFIRMATION: I am a child of God, and I have God’s radiant, confident, loving, and lovable spirit within me. I think and act in accord with my higher self.

POSITIVE DAILY QUOTE: When God takes something from your grasp, God’s not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth