Positive Daily Inspiration – February 8, 2023 – DOES THE SHOE FIT?

Positive Daily Inspiration - February 8, 2023

“When God created humankind, God made them in the likeness of God.”
Genesis 5:1

A few years ago, I was shopping in a shoe store with my daughter, and she said that she wanted to buy shoes for her husband. I said, “What is his size?”

She said, “I don’t know” then she picked up a pair of shoes out of hundreds they had on display and she said, “I think these will fit.”

I said, “Honey, you had better check his size before you buy the shoes because a shoe that doesn’t fit isn’t worth anything.” She was sure though that it would fit him, so she bought the shoes. I have never forgotten that; of course, the shoes didn’t fit.

Does the shoe fit?

How often we buy into ideas and opinions that do not fit. They may fit others, but they do not fit us. We make do. We try to squeeze in with the shoehorn of life and pretend we are comfortable. We must think it’s easier to make a fast selection or to settle for something that’s not quite right.

Maybe you need adjustments; your soul is growing and changing all the time. You are not the same person you were ten years ago, or even ten minutes ago. Most people make do because they feel unworthy to ask for anything else. God does not view you this way. God wants you to have the right size and fit in every area of your life.

There is a world of possibilities that are open for you if you are open to them. God views you as the unique creation of the creator. Because you love and revere God, how could you do anything less than have love and appreciation for yourself? Instead of thinking that God could have done better with you, think of how you can do better with the good that God has given you. God will give you greater good in the future also, as soon as you can accept it for yourself.

Great and wonderful possibilities open up to you when you are willing to think the best about yourself and see the best in yourself. This kind of vision frees you beyond mediocrity and conformity. It also frees you to look at others in the same way.

Life goes by too quickly to live our days in shoes or ideas that do not fit.

A successful man told me that he became a lawyer because it was his parents’ wish.

He admitted that it had brought him financial prosperity, but it never brought him happiness because the career did not fit him. When I questioned him about his parents, he stated that they were gone now; they had passed away nearly 12 years ago. I asked him what he really wanted to do with his life, and he said that he wanted to paint as an artist. I encouraged him to follow the path of his passion.

Each of us is unique with unique special gifts given to us by the creator. We live unfulfilled lives when we do not fully explore the avenues of our gifts.

Dear God, I pray for the right fit for each area of my life.

I pray for divine order and divine adjustment. Empower me so that I no longer settle for something that is less than I can have in this lifetime.

Thank You God.


Through the power of divine adjustment, I find the perfect fit for me.


“Happiness is a mystery like religion and should never be rationalized.” G.K. Chesterton

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth