Positive Daily Inspirations – February 10, 2023 – Loving Others

Positive Daily Inspirations - February 10, 2023
Loving Others

“By THIS all humans will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35

People love you for the way THEY FEEL when they are with you.

What are the gifts you have to give others, the gifts that are remembered and cherished long after they are given? What are the gifts that mean the most, that bring a feeling of joy and happiness, that last far beyond a special day or event.

They are the gifts that only you can give. They are the gifts that you can share out of the gifts that God has given to you. Think about the gifts that God has given you and make this a truly joyous time for yourself and others by sharing these God-given gifts.

“I give you what I have.” You have a perfect gift to give anyone anytime. Life is God’s gift to you. You can give the gift of life to others. When you think in terms of life and healing, when you pray for others, you are helping them to awaken to the life of God that is available to them. Your own awareness of the healing life of God in which you have your existence makes your prayers effective. Give your gift of life. Speak words of life and healing, behold the healing life of God in the one for whom you pray.

Peace is God’s gift to you. Peace is a gift you can share. The peace you feel in your heart makes you a peacemaker. You can bring the gift of peace to every situation. You can give the gift of peace to any troubled person. You can share of your peace and serenity with those around you. You can give the gift of peace through your prayers, through your peaceful thoughts and words, and through your loving and harmonious attitudes and actions. Pour out your blessings of peace onto others because you are centered and poised in the peace of God. See the peace of Jesus Christ filling the souls of your loved ones in making all things right in their world.

God has given you the gift of joy. You can give joy to others. You can be the one whose very presence brings joy. You can be the one who makes life righter and happier for all those around you. You have the gift of joy from God, a joy that keeps you strong and sure, and you also have the God-given power to share it with others.

Is someone dear to you sad or downhearted? Pray for them in the realization that there is a joyful action of God that is working within them to lift them up. Rejoice and give thanks that God is working with them, renewing with a joy giving Spirit. Your feeling of the inner joy and your joy as attitude make you a natural giver of joy and bringer of joy to others.

You have been given the gift of wisdom from God, and you can share it. When others seem to grope in darkness, when they are seeking guidance and light, you can give them the gift of wisdom by knowing the truth that there is but one source of light and guidance, and by having the wisdom to bless others and pray for them in this knowledge. You give others the gift of wisdom as you behold the light of God shining in them. You give the gift of wisdom as you trust the all wise Spirit of God to be their guide and their light. The greatest gift of wisdom you can give to others is the gift of your wise realization that with them is the source of all they need to understand, to grow, to find right and happy direction.

God has given you the gift of courage, you can share this gift with others. You can give the gift of courage that has helped you to stand strong and secure. You can give others courage by your own steady, fearless approach to life and by your own sure and certain faith in God as the one presence and the one power in your life. You can give others the gift of courage by believing in them knowing that they have the ability to meet life fearlessly, by knowing that they are never alone. Wherever they are, God is.

You can give the gift of courage by praying for your loved ones, placing them in God’s care, by encouraging them to believe in themselves and to believe in God and God’s power ever with them.

You have been given the gift of Divine approval. You can always give your approval, but how can you give Divine approval? Divine approval is the approval you give another from the highest part of you. You behold others the way that God beholds them. You look past appearances and see a perfect child of God.

Now I raise me up from sleep,
I thank the Lord who did me keep,
All through the night; and to God I pray
That God may keep me through the day.
All which for Jesus’ sake, I say.

By Divine inspiration, I am now guided to bountiful blessings.

“The brave person confronts fear and moves toward it.
It then gets smaller.”

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth