Positive Daily Inspiration – March 10, 2023 – Goodness Sakes

Positive Daily Inspiration - March 10, 2023
Goodness Sakes

“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness.”
Micah 6:8

A spiritual person has a hidden curriculum in every day’s activity to do good instead of bad. As we grow physically and spiritually, we should also grow in our ability to live a life of goodness.

Look for ways to do goodness every day for the sake of goodness, not for the sake of gain.

You are filled with wonder as you think about God’s plan of good being disclosed to you. Each person and situation in your life holds the seed of a blessing. That seed of blessing goes both ways. You look for the good in yourself and others, and you promote it through words and actions. You give thanks for your good even if it is not yet visible.

You are so aware of God’s good for you, and coming through you, that you are filled with gratitude. You rejoice because you know that you can make a difference. Anyone who promotes good makes a positive difference.

When you are experiencing a challenge, or a dear one is experiencing a challenge, look for ways to do good things; it will make you feel better, and it may change the other person’s life. Decide today not to stand on the sidelines waiting for others to do good – you get into the game of life and you win – doing good.

Good always wins in the end.

Look back on your life on all the good that has come to you. Look back on the good that others have brought into your life and give thanks for it. Be thankful for all the blessings that you have already received. God has brought continuous good, more than you were aware of at the time. God has touched your life beyond what you could have imagined. You give thanks for the gifts of good in this present moment and you joyfully anticipate greater good still to come.

One of the great spiritual blessings in life is found in this truth: you cannot give it away – it comes back to you multiplied over and over.

The good you do will be a magnet that draws to you a like kind of good, but multiplied, because good sent forth is like to seed.

You think thoughts that are magnets of good. You move in actions that are magnets of good.

You fill your mind with thoughts of Divine goodness. Thinking about the renewing goodness of God surging through every part of your body now, you feel a new sense of goodness pouring forth from the center of you to the circumference.

You meditate on God’s presence of goodness indwelling you, and the wellspring of goodness bubbling up from within you. God will touch you giving you the gifts to promote upliftment, and blessing wherever you go.

All your relationships are blessed by the harmony of God’s good expressing through you. With your thoughts and actions centered on God, you call upon the riches of the kingdom, and all those around you will sense and feel the difference.

When you do good, you become the second “O” in God, a child of the living God, a co-creator with the Creator.

GOoD Bless Your Life!

Dear God, I accept my good and I agree to promote it in a spirit of goodwill and harmony. I look for and I find ways to do good.

God, I ask you to empower me to live this way every day. Amen.

God’s goodness within me is mighty to fulfill every need of my heart, to harmonize and to make a difference in my world.

Life is a mirror and it will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.

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