Positive Daily Inspiration – March 16, 2023 – GOD WILL LIFT YOU UP

Positive Daily Inspiration - March 16, 2023

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit.”
Zechariah 4:6

All humans have mood swings. It is a normal part of life, but the important thing is that we do not take up residence in the valley of the downward swing. Sometimes we need help lifting ourselves up again and this is what today’s Positive Daily Inspiration is about.

Many of the people that we hear from have good reason for feeling downcast now, losing jobs, losing their homes, or the death of dear one.

Life can contain both incredible highs and also incredible lows. But it is not God’s will for any of us that we stay in the downcast valleys for long.

Do you ever have days were you feel out of step with life? Do you experience times when you feel out of step with the world and reluctant to face a new day?

All of us feel out of step at one time or another, but these feelings need not persist.

Right now, as you read this Positive Daily Inspiration, relax, and turn your thoughts to God. God has the answer.

God IS the answer.

The Creator can also re-create your mood. The Creator can give you a vision of the best time in your life ahead on your path.

What a feeling of comfort and strength we receive when we realize that we are in never apart from God, and that we live in God’s presence! The solution to any problem lies between us and God. When we turn away from doubt, bad moods and fear, we open the way for God to show us the path to our highest good. With God as our partner, we find the perfect answer and the right course to follow. We synchronize our steps with God’s. As we raise our thinking and keep our awareness at a high level this day becomes full and rewarding.

A person may be in such a state of mental and emotional depression that he or she may believe that God is far from them and no help is available for them.

“Where shall I go from Thy presence? Or where shall I flee from Thy presence?” To go from God’s Spirit or to flee from God’s presence does not mean to travel to some far place in the earth, but rather to separate ourselves from God in thought and feeling. Even in such a state of mind, God is there. We may not be aware of it because of our own mental state, but God is still there.

Though we may deny God’s presence, God is with us. No matter what religion we call ourselves, or if we profess no faith at all, God is still there waiting and willing. What we say about God says more about us than about God.

Some feel they have lost God, but God is not lost and God has not lost us. God is with us wherever we are, whatever our state of mind or emotions.

If we need more help, we become open to all avenues, including medical, knowing that God is the creator and inventor behind medications.

Depression will have no real power over us. It will pass. Darkness will give way to light. We will rise up into a happier state through God’s Spirit and by God’s power.

One of the greatest things that you can tell yourself over and over is that this which you are experiencing is just temporary — not permanent.

It has come to pass; it has not come to stay!

Like the psalmist we can know:

“If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.”

Dear God, I come to You in my hour of need. I ask You to touch my mind, and uplift my thoughts, change my seeming realities that I’m thinking about my life, change my opinion of what is, and what can be.

God, I ask that You will give me a sense of well-being again.

I pray that You will help me find my smile, both on my face and in my soul.

God I cannot do this one by myself, so I turn to You, and I surrender.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen

My temporary darkness gives way to God’s permanent light!

“Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker.”
Zig Zigler

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