“You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
John 8:32
What is the truth? Who has the truth? What religion has the truth?
Truth does not come from limited human mind, but only from God.
There is but ONE path to the truth, above human knowledge, and human ways, and that is the way of God. Human thinking will often place us in limitation at the best, and a prison of the mind at the worst. To know the truth of God is the wisdom from above. You will know – when you know.
Through prayer and meditation, you see the whole view, and are no longer locked in to limited glimpses.
Through prayer, you know the truth today, and you rejoice in the blessings it reveals to you.
You rejoice in the truth that you are God’s perfect child, filled with God’s life, health, and vitality. When you’re feeling fatigued, or even sick, this is a revelation that comes from above and not from your own human mind. Yet, when you receive this, it affects everything physical in you with God’s lasting power.
You rejoice in the truth that you are heir to all of God’s abundance. When you’re out of money and see no way to pay your bills, this again Is revelation from on High. It gives you confidence, stamina, energy, and excitement to love ahead and expect the best. You become prospered in all ways, instead of locked in the failures of yesterday.
You rejoice in the truth that you are one with God’s light and guidance. Your mind is no longer in misery and darkness. You are no longer locked in a state of no hope. It is as if someone turns on a light inside of you and you are able to see things that you were blind to just a moment before. You are able to follow a new path that can only lead to success because it is inspired by God directly.
You rejoice in the truth that all of your life is flowing along according to God’s perfect order. You are freed from the chaos, and the drama, and things begin to fall in their perfect place. You will know that only good can come to you, for God’s power is actively at work.
You know wonderful blessings are coming to you today, and you rejoice in the truth that God’s love is always with you. You go forth to meet your good with an expectant heart and a joyous spirit, filled with God’s love, God’s peace, and God’s happiness.
Dear God, this day, I pray that I know Your truth.
I consent to the wisdom from above infilling my mind.
I am ready, and I am willing, to know and live in the realm of God’s truth.
In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen
I now know God’s truth. I now live in God’s truth.
“There are no days in life so memorable as those which vibrated to some stroke of imagination.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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