Positive Daily Inspiration – April 5, 2023 – UNCOVER, DISCOVER, RECOVER

Positive Daily Inspiration - April 5, 2023

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:9


Sometimes we are oblivious to the greatest gifts of God. They can be right before our eyes and yet, they remain invisible to our comprehension.

WE Pray today, that all that remains hidden to our eyes will be uncovered.

WE Pray for enlightenment.

WE Pray for new understanding of old problems.

With God, all things hidden become exposed.

We pray that there are surprises on our path, and that the only surprises are positive ones.

We pray that new talents are found, and open doors are revealed.


There is always more good of God to discover about life and living. Jesus Christ lived to call you to more life. There is an adventure that awaits you in your life. There are new paths and exciting discovery to be done. Nothing is as sweet in life as making new, positive discoveries. Like an Explorer, you venture into new territories of living with God as your guide. God-given abilities, new talents, new opportunities, new friendships, and love await you, on God’s path.

As the prophet Isaiah said, God’s ways are higher than human ways, and God’s thoughts are higher than our own human thought. Prayer can be a time of discovery as we allow the Divine ideas of God to enter our human mind and our thought processes. Everything changes when we see our life from a higher vantage point.


My dear friend do you need to recharge, heal, or regroup? God brings recovery to you faster than sleep, and faster than human time. Spirituality is beyond the human measurements of time and space.

God’s recovery is complete and full. God’s recharge brings you back to FULL charge! No longer drained, you move forward with full steam ahead.

Living life can sometimes be draining, but as you turn to God, God will restore you to fullness of life.

Today, you may be asking for an uncovering of what is hidden. You may be praying to discover the special spark of life that will turn your life on again. You may need recovery from past pains. Know, dear friend, as you turn to God, God turns to you. God wants you to have a good life and the abundant life.

I pray, today, with you, that you uncover the uncovered, that you discover the undiscovered, and that you recover from that area of your life that has taken away your power.


Dear God,

I pray that You will help me today to find what may be hidden, and rediscover my God-given good.

I pray that today is miraculous in my life.

In Jesus Christ name … Amen

I accept the gift of knowledge from God and make the most of it.

“Faith is a bird that feels dawn breaking and sings while it is still dark.”
Rabindranath Tagore

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