Positive Daily Inspiration – 5.17.23 – TRY GOD

Positive Daily Inspiration - 5.17.23 - TRY GOD

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” John 14:6

Arthur Priebe, one of the great insurance salesmen, counseled his colleagues suffering from the common affliction of “doorknob phobia,” to hold the debate with themselves:

“Where am I?”
“In the hall.”
“Where do I want to be?”
“In that person’s office.”
“What will happen if I go inside?”
“The worst that could happen is I’d be thrown back into hall.”
“Well, that’s where I am now, so what have I got to lose?”

I often tell people to “try God.” I tell them that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. People that have never tried prayer are very threatened by it, for some reason or another. Perhaps, it is a negative experience with a church. Any negative experience surrounding religion involves misguided people, but not God. God is always good, loving, and positive towards you and everyone.

You may wonder what the future will hold for you. It can’t help but be a time of growth and good for you, as you enter into it in a spirit of joy and enthusiasm.

God is with you and, therefore, your future is bright. You think of the path before you as bright with promise, bright with beauty, and bright with happiness and joy.

God is your guide; God is your light. You carry with you an inward light, the light of the Christ. When you do not know what to do or say in some situation, you will be shown, as you become still enough to listen in the silence of prayer. You will be aware of the loving, guiding presence of God. As you go about your daily routine, as you do the work that is yours to do, you will realize more, everyday, what you gain through a close personal relationship with God. You will agree to be led because you are guided by the ONE that always knows the best and the blessed way. You will be shown happy ways of accomplishing positive results.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. God is your way-shower and light on your path. You will walk in the light, work in the light, and live in the light of God.

Right now – try God.



Dear God, no matter how reluctant I have been in the past I now agree to try You. So many times I have decided to go it alone, and failed; now I agree and consent to try You. So many times my relationships have faltered, now I agree to try You and Your ways. I have done it myself and I found that that doesn’t work, so today I try Your way. Thank You God for showing me the way.



My life is an active part of God’s good world in which I am Divinely protected.


“Until you value yourself you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” M. Scott Peck

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Christopher Ian Chenoweth, and our prayer team.