Positive Daily Inspiration – May 10, 2023 – GOD’S EVER-RENEWING LIFE

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 10, 2023

“May you be strengthened with all power, according to God’s glorious might.”
Colossians 1:11

You are very important to God, because God created you to be a perfect expression of the Divine. The next time you feel run down and at the end of your rope, try giving thanks to God as the source of your life and energy. You will feel a refreshing stream of life renewing your mind and body. God created you a living soul and continues to breathe into you the breath of life.

Jesus came to show you the true character of life. Remember, He said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” He did not indicate that He was preparing us for future life, but for our present abundant living. We, sometimes, think that the truths Jesus talked about were just for His immediate followers, that they have nothing to do with us. But Jesus taught eternal truths. The mission of Jesus Christ is to show us that the human is an eternal being.

A good starting point for renewal and healing in the body can be based on Paul’s words; “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? … So glorify God in your body.”

Renewal and healing come through a constant recognition of the source of renewal and healing – God. There are spiritual energies that rebuild your body and maintain it, in vitality and youthfulness. When you realize this, you become enthusiastic about living. Nothing can limit the life and renewing power within you, when you commence to glorify God in your body.

Life is a gift of God to each one of us. It is absolutely unlimited, except in our concept of it. One woman said this prayer aloud every single day, “I am young, strong, beautiful. My body knows it, and my body shows it.” This simple thought has helped to strengthen her feeling of eternal life and youth.

Your body will become a willing and loving cooperator with your thoughts and words. Life itself is from God and it does not grow old. It constantly renews itself. Humans are only half awake. We live within the limitations that we set upon ourselves. God created humans, not for time, but for eternity. God created humans as a living expression of God’s own abundant, eternal life. Therefore, let us identify ourselves with God’s abundant, ever-renewing life, rather than with the idea of limitation of any kind.

A man of fifty, who was attending night school, was asked why, at this age, he was back in school. He answered: “Because I do not want to die at fifty and wait to be buried at eighty.” Many persons, in mid-life are in adult education classes and are learning new professions – medicine, law, architecture.

Some people say, “I’m too old to begin something new.” My own grandmother decided, at age forty, that she was too old to learn to drive. When she passed away, she was in her late nineties. Had she learned to drive, she would have driven for over fifty years, and it would have changed her life.

Let us cultivate the idea about ourselves that we are never too old to take out something new. Let’s work at cultivating a positive and joyous attitude and really enjoy life.

What are some of the limitations you have placed upon yourself, that keep you from expressing the joy of living? Have you ever said, “Well, at my age, I can’t expect much from life?” Do you watch life from the sidelines, instead of entering in and enjoying yourself? Do you live in the past and talk only about the good old days?

Change these habits. Enter into a joy-filled present. If you wish to be young and enthusiastic, do not carry a lot of burdens in your mind. Sometimes, a person will think that they cannot carry a bag of groceries from the car into the house; but this same person carries an impossible load of burdens in their mind. Limit the load on your mind.

Jesus came with a message of life and joy. At Positive Christianity we are trying to prepare people to live and enjoy life.

If you want to stay young and vital:

Let old thoughts and old conditions be as waters that have passed away.

Find new interests.

Arouse within yourself a love of life.

Try new things.

Let the idea of yourself, as a spiritual being, more than a physical being, become the dominating idea in your mind. When it is, your life will no longer be affected by the limitations that bind the natural human. The life you feel, at this moment, has its source in the eternal God. This life is flowing in and through you, to renew you completely.


Dear God, most of all I give thanks that You are not done with me yet. The Creator is still creating, and I accept re-creation.


I am a child of God; and every moment God’s life, love, wisdom, and power flows through me.


“You might not be what you say you are, but what you say, you are.” Zig Ziglar

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