Positive Daily Inspiration – May 15, 2023 – NEW CREATION

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 15, 2023

“We serve not under the old written code, but in the new life of the Spirit.”
Romans 7:6

Robert Frost said, “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life. It goes on.”

You are not locked into yesterday unless you choose to be. God is a god of second chances and new beginnings. Freedom and discovery are avenues that are open to you when you acknowledge that you are a new creation in Christ. Following Jesus Christ you are aware of the Christ Spirit within you, supplying you with the resolution, wisdom, and enthusiasm you need to make any changes or alterations in your attitudes or habits.

The worst thing that anyone could ever do to you is to condemn you to always stay exactly the same. You can never stay the same, even if it may seem that you do. You are constantly being renewed whether you cooperate with the process, or not. When you do cooperate by being open to change and adjustments you will find that you enjoy being a new you. You are open to new adventures and learning. Life becomes exciting.

If you, or others, have found fault with things that you have done, you take heart, for you are changing and are a new creation in Christ. You are excited about life and filled with hope. You realize the truth of God that you can do better and be better as you give expression to the Christ presence. Jesus urges you to become a new human being.

Following God, you discover God’s grace as an active presence in every area of your life. Wherever you go, whatever you do, God’s grace is with you giving you the energy and courage for the change. God will uplift and sustain you along the avenue to the new you.

You are a beloved child of God. God plays an active part in everything you do. When you accept Divine life and God’s help in your daily living, you also accept Divine Grace into your life. You receive the guidance you need to take charge of your life and live up to your highest potential. If you should make a mistake, God shows you how to turn from the mistake into another path to your good.

Everything you do and receive will be a direct result of the activity of God in your life. You receive the keys to the kingdom of abundant living. You use these keys to leave the past behind and enter into a happier, more fulfilling life.

When you choose to become a new creation in Christ, God’s blessings upon blessings are heaped upon you.


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
(The Serenity Prayer)

God’s love has set me free from all regret and self-condemnation. God has transformed my experiences of the past into understanding, soul growth, and peace of mind.

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.”
Billie Jean King

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