Positive Daily Inspiration – May 31, 2023 – SIGNS AND WONDERS

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 31, 2023

“God works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth.”
Daniel 6:27

God never withholds guidance nor reserves it only for times of challenge. It is we, ourselves, that stop the flow of guidance from God through our insistence on following old habits of worry and fear.

God is continually guiding you. Today, I pray for signs and wonders in your life. When you hear a bird singing a song, it is a trigger in you to remember that this is a day to experience fully and enjoy completely. You are reminded that you have joy to express.

When you see a flower in full bloom, showing the beauty, texture and life that was once contained in a tiny seed, you hear the still small voice in you telling you that there is also wonder within you waiting to be expressed.

When you see the time and you notice that it says 11:11 or 1:11 you remember, that it is God reminding you of your connection of perfect oneness.

Signs and wonders will be all around you today reminding you of magnificent life. God’s guidance will lead you to great discoveries and fulfillment.

You decide today that for the next 24 hours you will not worry or have fear. If you could actually feel the effects of your thoughts on your body, you would probably be amazed. You would feel peaceful, quiet thoughts relaxing your blood vessels so that your whole body would be nourished with the fluid of life and relieved of all toxins.

If you could actually feel how the words you speak affect you physically, you might experience a stimulating energy caressing the very cells of your body.

Today you think peaceful refreshing thoughts and at the same time open yourself up to relying completely upon the Spirit of God to be the source of good in your life.


Dear God, I begin this day on a positive, upbeat note. I remember that whatever comes and goes in my life, God’s presence is one blessing that always remains constant. I can always rely upon You God.

Knowledge of Your presence throughout today will be a blessing that will give me more than I can ever imagine possible. The ground on which I walk, the air which I breathe, the family and friends who love and care for me are all signs and wonders of Your presence in my life.

I will be reminded continually today that I will never be separated from your presence. Divine grace permeates the air I breathe, permeates the thoughts I think, and empowers the love I express.

Today, and every day, I see signs and wonders everywhere. Thank You God for surrounding me and my life.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen

Nothing disturbs the calm peace of my soul.

“Those who would obtain any marked degree of excellence in a chosen pursuit must work, and work hard for it, prince or peasant.”
Bayard Taylor

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