Positive Daily Inspiration – May 5, 2023 – PEACE OF GOD

Positive Daily Inspiration - May 5, 2023

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts … And be thankful.”
Colossians 3:15

Dear God, You are my peacemaker. Whenever I find it difficult to quiet myself, I know that all I need to do is lift my heart to Your loving nature and feel Your calmness flood my soul. It is sometimes difficult for me to realize that there is enough time for me to accomplish every task assigned to me. Give me Your peaceful truth once again, dear God. Let me know that Your life is a peace-giving, loving life, with time enough for resting my mind, with time enough for resting my busy hands, and with time enough to realize that You are my help in every need.

Dear God, you are my peacemaker. I rest my weary body and mind in your tireless presence, and I am bathed with new energy and life. The moment I turn to you, I receive a new outlook on my life. It is planted in my mind and it grows as I go through the living of my life, this day. I pray that you will reward my seeking spirit with the presence of Your Spirit.

I wait on You, dear God, to replace my sense of hurry and worry with Your wonderful sense of well-being and quiet. In perfect peace, I rest. I relax. I let go. The Spirit of God blesses me now. In the Holy Oneness and All-ness of God, I feel free. The breath of the Almighty breathes through me with the newness and freshness of peaceful life.

My soul is a clean and open house, where the sunshine of God radiates and sparkles in every nook and cranny. Living within the laws of God, I find that my personality and character are defined by my peacefulness. I find that my world responds to me with new order, harmony, peace, and justice. I am free and happy to live, fully, in God’s peace. I am peaceful to all others. I live a harmless life. My peace is not rigid or narrow. I allow others to live their own lives, and I am not threatened by differences. It is more blessed to give than to receive; I give peace to all others even when they are not peaceful with me. My peace extends from me; it is broad, deep, and filled with joy. I declare my obedience to the peace of God, realizing that its light can right any wrong situation caused by the darkness of agitation and distress.

The Bible says a double-minded human is unstable in all their ways. Instability is a divided sense of loyalty and obedience. I no longer give my loyalty and obedience over to anger, or the lowest human desires of needing to get back at someone. I realize that when I get back at someone else, I am, in truth, only hurting myself. I will no longer surrender my peace of mind. When I concentrate on the peace of God and the expressing of that peace, I am held within the power of the Infinite Harmony of the Divine.

With God’s help, I say, “Peace” to the winds and waves of emotional excitement and they obey!

It is with expectant joy that my heart sings out to You now. I pray with the ever-present knowledge that all is well in my world, in my life, and in the lives of my loved ones. Peace reigns supreme in my life today. I have a quiet, exultant heart. You are my peacemaker, dear God.

Thank You God!

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.

God is love; and that love I safely dwell. I trust the eternal welfare of my soul into God’s care and keeping.

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
Albert Einstein

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