Positive Daily Inspiration – June 15, 2023 – ~NOW~

Positive Daily Inspiration - June 15, 2023

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“Behold, NOW is the acceptable time.”
2 Corinthians 6:2

There is no greater time than the present moment. There are opportunities to be found right now. The unchanging goodness of God fills your life in this, the present moment. By turning your attention to God in prayer and entering the silence of prayer, you realize that in this moment you are one with God. You rediscover that all you really have is the present, and much of your time may have been wasted by either attempting to recapture some of the past or by projecting your thoughts and hopes into the future.

If during the day you find yourself reminiscing about the past, you remind yourself that all the joy, all the good of God you need is in this present moment.

If thoughts of the future cause fear in you, once again you remind yourself that all the joy, all the good of God you need is in this present moment.

In this manner, you learn to live in the now. You learn to trust God who forever has the perfect answer for you, moment by moment.

Resolving to live with your attention on the here and now, you are free from thoughts of the past and concern for the future. .

Conflicts in our life can be like those waves that seem to go on and on, but just as Christ quieted that storm on the Sea of Galilee, we can quiet the storms that are happening in the present moment.

The real opportunities in life are not just in our tomorrows, but today. Even if opportunities will come in the future, the seeds have to be planted in the now.

What is of more importance – the planting of the seed, or the harvest of the plant? While both are important, it is the seed that has all the potential, and without it, there is nothing.

Often the most important seeds that we can plant are the personal attitudes we carry. They have influence beyond our realization. Attitudes in the now, of love, joy, and peace can add harmony to our whole world presently and long into the future.

Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. The thoughts that we are holding in mind are powerful seeds in the now.

This gives us a good key to do something constructive in our lives when our lives seem to be getting out of order. We check back on our thinking to see where we have allowed our thoughts to deviate from the goodness of God.

Some may have indulged in pointless daydreaming, allowing thoughts to flit hither and yon, building vague and shadowy forms. These are ineffective, because they lack concentration, and they lack faith. But let us also examine these dreams to see if there is even one that might have merit. If there is one that we would like to have materialize, then we have to do our spiritual mental work. We concentrate on that desire in the now believing through God it is now manifest. We direct our thinking along positive lines in the now. We do not allow ourselves to form pictures of doubts, fears, or contrary forms. In our inner world of thought, we fashion the perfect picture of what is needed and wanted, and we have patience until the formative power of thought has produced the result held in mind, in the outer.

There is no time like the present. Now is your moment!



I am radiant, all wise, all loving, all conquering Child of God.
I rule supreme in all the affairs of mind and body.
God’s infinite wisdom guides me, God’s divine love prospers me, and
I am successful in all that I undertake NOW.

Thank You, God, for Your ever-abiding presence.

I am NOW alive, alert, and enthusiastic about my life.

“The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.”


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