Positive Daily Inspiration – June 21, 2023 – The Miracle You Are

Positive Daily Inspiration - June 21, 2023
The Miracle You Are

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.org
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“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”
Corinthians 3:16

If anyone needs evidence of God’s existence all we have to do is look in the mirror. The human body is a miracle, perhaps one of the most wondrous that you will ever see. There are more miracles discovered about the body as we look under the microscope. The Creator created something almost beyond the scope of human comprehension.

I have something I want to share with you. Imagine 100 sweet peas, taken out of a can. I took out the can opener; I opened the lid and counted out 100 peas. I put the 100 peas in this cup for you this morning.

There was a man by the name of Donald Hatch: Andrews who wrote a book called Symphony of All Life. It is an out-of-print book now. He said, “I thought it might be interesting, first, to calculate the approximate number of atoms in the average human body. I know my own body weight; and I know precisely how much each kind of atom weighs. I also know fairly well what percentage I have in my body of each of the different kinds of atoms. So it did not take me long to figure out that I have in my body about five octillion atoms. Writing this number, it out with digits it is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000: Five followed by 27 zeros.

“Five octillion is obviously a very large number. But again we are rather lost [in human mind] when we try to grasp clearly its size. We are unable in human mind to visualize distinctly the difference between, say, a trillion or a sextillion or an octillion. While I was meditating on this difficulty, I noticed some dried peas in a dish on one corner of the kitchen table where I was making my calculations.”

Donald Hatch Andrews says, “I began to wonder what five octillion peas would look like. Suppose I actually had five octillion peas; would they cover several acres, several square miles, or perhaps even several counties?”

“There was an empty medicine bottle about a cubic inch in volume sitting on the table, so I counted out 100 peas and found that they just about filled this bottle. Knowing this, it was fairly easy to calculate that a million peas would fill our household refrigerator, a billion peas would fill our house from cellar to attic and a trillion peas would fill all the homes in the town [where I lived].” And I would guess a quadrillion peas would come close to filling all of the buildings in a major city.

“You see how we are progressing: million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, adding three ciphers at a time.

“I saw that I was going to run out of buildings pretty soon so I searched for another measure for the peas. I looked at the map and I noticed the state of Pennsylvania is roughly rectangular so I decided to take that as my next measure.

“Suppose that there is a blizzard over Pennsylvania but instead of snowing snow, it snows peas; and we get the whole state of Pennsylvania covered with a blanket of peas four feet deep. You can imagine what it would be like under these conditions driving out on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, seeing peas banked along the roadside, drifting up against the houses, peas off to the horizon in every direction, peas covering the entire state, from Maryland up to western New York and from New Jersey out to Ohio. Pennsylvania thus covered with peas four feet deep would contain just about a quintillion peas, the next rung on our ladder of ascending numbers.

“For the next step we need to imagine the blizzard of peas taking place over all the land areas of the entire earth. We have to have North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa all covered with peas four feet deep. This pea blanket would contain about a sextillion peas.

“For our next figure we must go out among the neighboring stars, collect 250 planets, each about the size of the earth, cover all these planets with peas four feet deep, and then we will have a septillion peas.

“Finally, we go out to the farthest reaches of the Milky Way; we collect 1,250,000 planets each the size of the earth; we cover each of these planets with peas four feet deep; and then, at last, we have the number of peas corresponding to the number of atoms in an average human body.

“So now perhaps you have some idea of how small an atom is and, incidentally, an idea of how complicated you are.”

When the Bible says you are made in the image and likeness of God, we cannot take God’s greatest miracle and use it for anything but God’s purpose. We should and we shall have a feeling of well being, a feeling of gladness, and a feeling of love.

God is love. Imagine every one of those peas is love.



Dear God, as I realize my body Temple is a miracle I pray that I act like it more, realizing my potential from evidence of the greatness of my shell.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen

I expect a miracle!

“Unless you try something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”
Ronald Osborn


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