Positive Daily Inspiration – June 27, 2023 – Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

Positive Daily Inspiration - June 27, 2023
Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

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“If you continue in my word … you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
John 8:31,32

In all of your human history, this is YOUR moment. This is your lifetime to feel the activity of God. Each of us are traveling a journey. We are not traveling alone. We are with God. But to feel God, we have to quiet our human mind down, and this is what we are here to experience now. Go quietly now.

Leave aside all worry, and have confidence. Relax and trust. So quietly, sure of God, safely, and easily, you flow into a relaxation. God is in complete control of every aspect of your life, your mind, and your body.

God is with you now. What a joyous realization this is. You listen to the still, small voice, and it says to you, “Peace, be still and know that I am God.” It says to you, “Don’t worry. I am in charge. Everything is all right. Go quietly now, and I will direct your path, for I know the way.”

Rest in the silence of prayer …

You listen to the silence of prayer, and you trust in the joyous fulfillment of your journey to God. Listen to these words from Psalms: “Then they were glad because they had quiet. And he brought them to their desired haven.” You are with God.

You have a constant companion which is Christ, your very own Lord.

You seek to realize that this Christ knows the way that lies before you. Christ is familiar with every turn in the road of your life. Christ is ever ready to point the way to lead you to your desired haven of peace, wholeness, harmony, abundance, and self-fulfillment. You are walking with God. God is working through you, empowering your physical body, thinking through your mind. You will reach your destination of this heaven, safely, quickly, and joyously.

Rest in the quiet place now, in the silence of prayer …

You are alert to the still, small voice. The still, small voice within us is telling us the way to go. As we meet the many turns, the many points of change in our life’s journey, we travel in peace with a clear-run-through to our destination, a journey where there are no stops, no delay in obstacles, or detours.

This day, whether you are starting out on a journey, whether you’re writing a letter, seeking employment, seeking to heal a relationship, or seeking the fulfillment of any other legitimate desire, you are granted, by the activity of God, a clear-run-through to joyous satisfaction, a quiet, easy way in record time.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Go quietly now. Know that you are not alone. Trust Christ. God will get you through to your destination in the best possible way. You are in an experience of a clear-run-through to each desired heaven.

Through the power of the spoken word in prayer, I decree for you: THE CHRIST PRESENCE GUIDES YOU IN THE WAY OF PEACE AND SAFETY.

YOU ARE DIVINELY PROTECTED. We thank God for always being here with us, along the road of life that never ends.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen.



I am one with the limitless, ever-renewing life of God.


“Every day, do something to move the ball forward.”
Jayne Atkinson

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