Positive Daily Inspiration – June 29, 2023 – ~Enjoying the Small Moments~

Positive Daily Inspiration - June 29, 2023
~Enjoying the Small Moments~

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“This is the day which the Lord has made.”
Psalms 118:24

Sometimes great things sometimes come in very small packages. I visited the country of Monaco. Monte Carlo, the city that surrounds the palace of Monaco, takes up every square inch of the country which is about one square mile in size.

There are larger countries everywhere, and yet this stands up to almost any of them with a largeness of beauty, and world stature.

Located on the Mediterranean Sea and surrounded by France this is probably one of the richest places in the world. I was raised middle-class, so rarely have I seen such wealth, from the yachts, to the homes. This is a gorgeous place, made especially famous by Princess Grace of Monaco in the 1950s.

I believe in taking time for oneself; you will never spiritually find yourself in work alone, not even in the ministry. Great revelations come in solitude when you least expect it. Far away from any event, I have found great revelations of God, all alone on a motorcycle, on the back country road on a VERY ordinary day.

Many people put off living until the big things in life, but a great life is made up of a cumulative single ordinary days at a time. It is how you live your ordinary small days that becomes large. How you feel today is the sum total of how you have felt in all your yesterdays.

Many put off living for huge events, like birthdays, Christmas, and retirement. But you can decide to live fully on a very ordinary day.

Decide today, to live fully today, and it will be a great investment towards a full large life. Decide to be happy in spite of, and pray to do the same.

Decide today to have a new appreciation for the very small aspects of your life, and allow the small areas of your life to accumulate in your appreciation.

Decide today to explore the little aspects of your life often overlooked and make the small – large by your attention to them.

Decide today to put the things that have been on the back burner, on the front of the stove of life.

Decide today to live small and you will discover those ingredients add up to the large recipes leading to a great life. The minute you discover happiness in the ordinary, you have discovered the extraordinary.

You do not need to be in Monte Carlo to be happy. As a matter of fact, if you are not happy where you are, you would not be happy there, because you take yourself with you.

Fullness in life is discovered in the small details, and discovering them again can become one of the great enjoyments in living.



Dear God, help me to rediscover and appreciate all the small aspects of my life. Help me to live fully with great satisfaction in the little details. For today I pray to live large by fully enjoying the small moments.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I become rich in the small areas of my life.


“No one else sees the world the way you do, so no one else can tell the stories that you have to tell.”
Charles de Lint


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