Positive Daily Inspiration – July 12, 2023 – ~GOD’S HELP WITH MEETING YOUR GOALS~

Positive Daily Inspiration - July 12, 2023

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.org

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“I will show you a still more excellent way.”
1 Corinthians 12:31

I have always asked for God’s help in meeting my goals. I don’t believe that I could meet them on my own. With God’s help, you will be able to even surpass what your original goals were.

In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily tasks of trivia. We waste our time, and some have wasted entire lives.

There are true heroes to be looked up to in life, and one of my heroes is an outstanding African-American woman by the name of Barbara Smith.

Growing up in tiny Everson, Pennsylvania, Barbara Smith had loads of energy and dreams big enough that consumed that energy. But she was from a small town, and very few people believed she would ever find the success she dreamed about. The first step on her road to success was to leave Everson for Pittsburgh.

In Pittsburgh, Barbara got a job as a ground hostess for TWA Airlines, the first African-American woman ever to be hired for that position. While working for TWA, Barbara tried her hand at modeling. As a child, Barbara had told the people in her small town that, someday, she would be a model with the Ebony Fashion Fair, a traveling fashion show for African-American women. People laughed at her, but this did not discourage Barbara. She applied for two years in a row and didn’t make it, but the third year, she was chosen for the Fashion Fair. Another dream was fulfilled, but things did not suddenly become easy for her.

Barbara began pursuing modeling jobs on her own, while trying to get signed on by a major modeling agency. It was grueling work, balancing her different jobs and visiting all the agencies regularly. Barbara was turned down, over and over again, but she never stopped trying. Eventually, Wilhelmina, a top agency, signed her on. Still, the competition for modeling jobs was tough, and Barbara had to work twice as hard as the other women to get assignments. Instead of becoming discouraged, she prayed and developed a philosophy that, if she just stayed with it, she would be there when someone else didn’t show up. If nothing else, just being there would put her ahead of the game.

Barbara set her sights on appearing in Mademoiselle magazine, a leader in the fashion and beauty business. Instead of waiting for her agency to promote her, Barbara constantly visited the Mademoiselle offices herself, showing them her latest modeling portfolio and discussing ideas with them. Barbara kept getting sent to a Mademoiselle agent named Felicia, who didn’t seem interested in her work. But one day, Barbara showed up at Mademoiselle, and Felicia didn’t show up that day. A receptionist, who was familiar with Barbara, sent her straight to the beauty editor. Barbara became the first African-American woman to grace the cover of mademoiselle magazine. Barbara’s modeling career took off after that.

When Barbara left modeling, she explored a variety of career paths. She worked as a play producer, actress, author, and singer. She decided to enter the restaurant business. True to her strict work ethic, Barbara insisted on apprenticing in other restaurants, learning the business from the ground up. Today, Barbara Smith runs two highly successful, upscale restaurants called B. Smith’s, one located in New York City and one in Washington D.C. She has also published a book on elegant entertaining. Lack of encouragement, rejection, and racism could have discouraged Barbara Smith from pursuing her dreams, but she refused to give up on what she wanted. She is a perfect example of motivation and perseverance. She is a perfect example of what God, positive thinking, and positive movement can accomplish.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said, “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot, and hang on.” I believe the knot at the end of our rope is faith in God. My heroes in life are the people that keep going, no matter how tough the going gets.

God helps people when they need a jump-start. Many times, a person needs to focus anew on what they can accomplish in their lifetime, with their human power, teamed up and joined perfectly with God-power.

Barbara reinvented herself over and over again and we must do the same. I often tell people that the Rev. in front of my name stands for “revised.”

I do not want to finish the same as I started, I am no longer a church Rev. I am more of a writer now, and I can’t tell you how much that would surprise every English teacher I ever had in school.

You can accomplish more than you could ever imagine when the power of God comes through you. God’s not done with you yet!

I believe that you can accomplish great things, if you are willing, and if you will keep going, no matter how tough it gets. God will give you the strength and God will show you the way. We struggle, often, to get our desired goals; the satisfaction is great when we have a personal victory. With God empowering you, you will rise above defeat and be a true and lasting winner in the game of life.



Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lay down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

(Saint Patrick)


I now claim and accept Divine help directly from God for each of my goals.


“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.”
Mark Caine


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