Positive Daily Inspiration – July 5, 2023 – ~GOD IS WAITING TO HELP~

Positive Daily Inspiration - July 5, 2023

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“We have the mind of Christ.”
1 Corinthians 2:16

So often, we hear people say, “If only the answer would come to me, clearly, then I would know what to do.” Right answers come, simply and perfectly, if you will let them. There are some easy steps to follow that I am going to share with you, today.

Stop, Ask, Believe, Listen, Follow

1) STOP worry thought. Relax and let go to God.

When you relax and let go, you make way for the answer God has for you.

2) ASK God for specific help.

When you stop struggling and trying so hard and begin to listen, within the silence of prayer, you are taught by God, directly. God reveals to you what to do and how to do it. Be patient, and the answer will come.

Often I suggest sleeping on it. This is an action that helps stop worry, and promotes relaxing and letting go.

3) BELIEVE that God is helping you.

Jesus says, “When you pray, believe that you have already received.” The only way that God can give something to you, is through you. You must take possession in your faith to receive the manifestation, the guidance, and the answer.

4) LISTEN within to the voice of intuition, to what seems right and best.

Usually, when we pray, we do all the talking. Usually, we define, in great detail, in our prayers, what we are worried about. Our prayers often become vocal recitations of our fears and worries. When we stop talking, relax, wait, and listen to God we find the answers and solutions that we are seeking.

5) FOLLOW, trusting in God to harmonize, to heal, and to bless all things.

The answers we receive will often be quite different than the thoughts that we have had in our own human mind. We might have a tendency to argue with the answers we receive. When we follow God, we are led, successfully, through the maze of life to a victorious conclusion.

Your mind can become a storehouse for productive ideas from God. You are able to remember what you need to remember, and to let go all that is trivial and meaningless. Your mind, centered in God, becomes the mind of Christ. The mind of Christ, in you, has creativeness, imagination, and power to accomplish all things.

You trust the mind of Christ, in you, to bring clarity to your thoughts. You trust the mind of Christ, in you, to enable you to express sound and true ideas so you can do your part in making this a better world.

Your mind is a healthy mind. Your mind is practical, poised, and peaceful. The mind of Christ, in you, enables you to see through appearances to solutions. The mind of Christ, in you, helps you to understand the gifts bestowed on you by God. The mind of Christ, in you, gives you spiritual discernment.



Dear God, I ask for Your help this day.
I believe that You will help me and show me the way.
I actively listen for Your guidance in this matter.
I agree to follow where You direct.

Thank You God. In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I am one with God, and God is one with me.


“He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.”
St. Basil


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