Positive Daily Inspiration – August 2, 2023 – SPIRITUAL MONEY MANAGEMENT

Positive Daily Inspiration - August 2, 2023

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.org

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“The blessing of the Lord makes rich.”
Proverbs 10:22

Years ago I prayed to God for money management skills. I didn’t seem to be having much success in keeping to my budget or in having anything left over for savings.

Wisdom, love, and good judgment in handling one’s money and affairs are as necessary as an increase in income. Often good money management skills are more necessary than bringing in more money. Many people are addicted to impulse buying. Buying something that you really don’t need has a long- term adverse affect especially when it’s an accumulative habit. Using credit cards to satisfy this addiction is very harmful to peace of mind and quality of life. Soon, the possessions possess you.

A good habit to form is the habit of blessing and giving thanks to God for every amount of money that comes into our hands, no matter how small or how large. The next step is to bless ourselves in the thought that we have the capability of using it wisely. As we pay our bills, as we buy groceries and other necessities for our daily life, we place a blessing of God upon every bill and every expenditure. As we share what we have, we know that what we are giving is multiplied and increased by Divine love.

This day you will have order in all of your affairs, freedom from anxiety, freedom from worry, and more than enough supply for every need if you change your money management from your human desires to God’s perfect plan. God provides adequate supply for your every need before you need it. As you use God’s wisdom, love and good judgment in handling your money and affairs, you will open the way for increasing supply to flow to you and through you.

If you have made a lot of mistakes in the past, God can help and bring to you people that can help repair and restore your financial standing. Nothing is impossible with God. We hear from people every day who are now debt-free through using these principles. Many of our “Positive Daily Inspiration” subscribers report they have manifested their dreams through good spiritual planning.



Dear God, I pray that I express the positive power of Divine love, Divine wisdom and good judgment in handling my money.
I ask that You think through me and help me to see beyond the wants and needs of this day.
I pray that You will lead me to the perfect sale price for the items that I must have.
I pray that You will give me Divine timing and patience over human desire to spend too much.
I pray that I will learn to budget and with Your help easily stay within my budget.
I pray that I have more than enough so that I can begin the savings that will build into dreams for tomorrow.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I am one with the financial planning of God!


“Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world.”
Helen Keller


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