Positive Daily Inspiration – August 3, 2023 -THURSDAY IS “GOD FIRST” DAY

Positive Daily Inspiration - August 3, 202

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.org

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“NOW is the acceptable time.”
2 Corinthians 6:2

Today, decide to put God first in your every thought. Putting God first in human thought does not allow for worry or fear. You think about God and Divine possibilities instead of your problem.

Trying to relive the past or predict what will happen in the future can keep you from enjoying this present moment. Therefore, you make a commitment to live in the now, secure in the knowledge that God is in charge and all is well.

If ever you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of your life, you remember that you can live only one day at a time. You know you have the faith, strength, and courage to turn any challenge into an opportunity for spiritual growth. You also know that God knows the way through your challenges even though you may be clueless as to how to proceed.

You do not allow any memories on this Thursday to stand in the way of the good that is offered today by God. You let go of the past and open the door to new good. You do your best and leave the rest to God.

You think thoughts that are positive and uplifting. Such thoughts fill your day with joy and act as a magnet that draws good experiences to you.

If activities seem to go out of control today, how can you still remain calm? You can do so through prayer – by centering yourself in the peace of God.

The best way to remain centered in the calm of God is to set aside time today for spiritual communion with God. Prayer and meditation take you back to God, the source of your life. While resting in the silence of prayer, you are immersed in God’s love. Your thoughts are calmed. Centered in the peace of God, you see your way clearly, and you come away from this time refreshed and renewed.

When you center yourself in prayer, you are living in the now-moment in the presence of God. Daily communion with God keeps you grounded in peace, tranquility, and calm. Through prayer, you make conscious contact with God on this Thursday. On this Thursday you not only feel at peace, but you also radiate peace.

I even have a sign in my office that says in bold letters GOD FIRST! I invite you to make such a sign to remind you to place God first in your every thought, action and reaction. This sign reminds me that it is not Chris Chenoweth’s thought that is first, BUT God’s thought that must be placed at the forefront of my life every day. When I look back on my life, what I considered at the time, were good thoughts and ideas that would have led to greater problems in my life had I acted on my thinking alone. Thank God I made the decision back then to put God first.

This Thursday can be incredible if you decide to do the same.



Today, I place You first in every thought and action, and reaction in my life. I go to You for direction and guidance first.


God First!


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Woodrow Wilson


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