Positive Daily Inspiration – August 30, 2023 – REDISCOVER SLOWNESS

Positive Daily Inspiration - August 30, 2023

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.org

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“Blessed are the peacemakers.”
Matthew 5:9

A few years ago, when I was on a speaking tour racing to my next city, I thought that what we needed as humans was to rediscover what our ancestors took for granted. We need to rediscover slowness. We need to have a day without “instant” anything. A day without fast food, no TV, or busy-ness of any kind.

I know people that are so busy that they are exhausted even after a “day off.” Even God rested on the 7th day. Too many of us do not honor the Sabbath principal of the 7th day of rest.

As a society, we are getting busier every year. It’s no wonder that people are so filled with anxiety, stress, and lack of peace of mind. God did not intend for human beings to go 24/7. Just as sleep is necessary to function, so is rest and relaxation to contentment and tranquility. I have known people who felt guilty when they took time for themselves. But if you don’t take time for yourself, you will in time shutdown and become less effective. My favorite part of one of our spiritual retreat cruises is sitting on the deck chair – thinking about nothing – just enjoying the moment.

Jesus knew what he was talking about when he said, “Become like a little child again.” We need to play, lounge, linger and lay in the grass and look up at the sky. We need to look at life with a focus that takes time for the wow and wonder of God’s nature.

We need days where we just read. We need nights where we take a long bath instead of a fast shower. We need to turn out the electric lights and light candles. We need to slow up the pace of our walk so that we take time to see the world around us. We need to strike up a conversation instead of just saying “hello.”

We need to write a new chapter in the biography of our lives.

We need to find comfortable chairs and sit and meditate and think about God instead of what is next on our to-do list.

I can remember as a child, days that I felt bored. Boredom is good; busy-ness is an addiction that dulls our senses. Noise is also an addiction such as needing the TV or the radio on constantly. We need days where we turn off all outer noise to listen again to the sounds of the wind rustling through the leaves on the trees, the sound of the distant bird, the tranquil sound of the sea, and the still small voice of God.

I invite you this week to designate one of the next seven days as a true Sabbath day of complete rest and relaxation to renew your soul. Make and build peace within yourself.



In the quiet of prayer, I am embraced by God and I know more of God, more of Divine love, life, and wisdom.
I know God in a way that leaves no room for doubting.
In the quiet of prayer, I asked to see the world through loving, faith filled eyes.
I share the longings of my heart and soul, and God answers by giving me the understanding I need to live a fuller life of love and faith.
In the quiet of prayer, I bless myself by taking time to slow down.
In the quiet of prayer I seek God, and I find God.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I am brave enough to unplug myself and just rest and reflect on the goodness I enjoy.


“Inspiration and genius – one and the same.”
Victor Hugo


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