Positive Daily Inspiration – August 8, 2023 – Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

Positive Daily Inspiration - August 8, 2023
Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.org

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“Walk in newness of life.”
Romans 6:4

Right where you are, the presence of God dwells. Inside of our body, the presence of God is alive. In this moment, we are touching the hem of the spiritual garment. In this moment, our faith meets our healing. And in this moment, God is coming through us in a dynamic way bringing a new degree of health.

The words of this prayer time are true for every individual person. The power of God is with you now. The power of God is coming through your human brain, giving you the healthful thoughts to think. There is a release of all the thoughts that have held us down, and trapped us in the bondage of sickness.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

We release thoughts of anger. We release thoughts of disharmony inside of us, and we claim God’s peace and Divine Order.

We call on God. We consent to this positive power of God to think through us.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Dear God, I open up my human thinking and allow the perfection of Your purified life to come through. I do not limit myself. I open up new boundaries of my thinking simply by saying, in this moment within myself, “God, I give you my thoughts. I give you the space to think inside of me, and I give You a new perception on my behalf to realize that You are right here in my awareness bringing a new vitality to my daily existence.”

This is a spiritual moment because, silently and in a still small voice way, there is a power of God flowing in you and through you. The power of God is easing through all thoughts, cleansing all thoughts, dissipating those negative thoughts, which are not like God’s ideas of perfection. The power of God’s perfection is silently moving inside of you NOW.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

God is spiritually quickening your human brain, not with more motion but with less motion. All of a sudden, inside of you, you are having a birth of a peaceful new perception, of a new way to think about yourself and of profound peace. Every cell of your body temple calmly listens to the still small voice of God in peace.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

How alive you are this moment! Being alive has nothing to do with age or even the current health of your physical body. You are alive because you have God’s life of the Creator inside of you, and life is responding to Life. A transfusion of thoughts is occurring and moving inside of your body temple – inside your neck, inside your spinal cord, through your nerves, through your bones; every tissue and atom responds to the perfection of God-thought.

There is strength inside of you, strength of God. Inside of your chest, your heart is beating with a power that is beyond its own, beating with the power of God life. Your lungs breathe in the life of God. With every breath your blood is cleansed. With every breath you draw more spiritual power to yourself. And with every breath you are alive in the life of perfection.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Your body responds with increased alertness. Your body responds inside with a new, dynamic life. Your feeling nature is responding too. In a very quiet way, in an effortless and easy way, you are receiving a new lightness to your thoughts. God is moving in you NOW.

You are feeling a tingling in your body temple; a tingling that will carry through this day, a tingling of new life, a tingling of healing power. How great God is! Nothing is impossible to God. Nothing inside of you is impossible – inside of your mind, your body, or your life. The power of God healing is NOW in movement. In the stillness, in the quiet, accept this power now …

Rest in the silence of prayer …

You are not cut off. You are connected with God. You are connected with God’s love. There is a bridge that can never be broken, a bridge between you and new health from your Creator. Every cell of your body temple is surrounded in this loving presence of God. You have crossed the spiritual bridge. You are aglow in the love of God, and that love of God is aglow inside of you. You and God are one. You and perfection are one. You and the power and the dynamic, invigorating spirit of God, are one.

We give thanks, today, because this is now true.

In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ … Amen.



I am an instrument of God’s peace and harmony.


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Robert Collier

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