Positive Daily Inspiration – September 28, 2023 – Let Go of Fear

Positive Daily Inspiration - September 28, 2023
Let Go of Fear

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Pray constantly … Hold fast what is good.”
1 Thessalonians 5:17-21

Holding fast to God is the antidote to fear.

If someone close to you is facing difficult challenges, it may not be easy for you to hold fast to God. Concern for loved ones or our friends may prompt fear rather than faith.

Concern for those you care about requires prayer to enable you to hold fast to God. You affirm, and reaffirm your faith in God’s all-encompassing life and in God’s ever-present goodness. You believe in God’s ultimate greatness, and in God’s almighty power to triumph over every difficulty. Regardless of the seeming severity, you place your faith in God and know that with God all things are possible. You hold fast to this realization with all your faith and with your entire being.

As you hold fast to God, your prayers are a great help in blessing to others and to yourself. You make progress in your spiritual growth, and God accomplishes a good work through the clear, open, and faith-filled channel of your mind and heart.

You make it a habit to observe regular daily prayer times, followed by a time of relaxed and receptive listening. Through the activity of daily prayer, you become aware of the Spirit of God active in the midst of you. You attune yourself to this Divine presence and power and It attends to you.

The Spirit of God that created you in the beginning is within you now; it never grows old or weary, knows no pain, and never experiences lack of any good thing. The Spirit of God is forever new, and yet never changes. The Spirit of God working within you eternally bubbles with joy, radiating pure love to all. At the same time, it continually expresses the peace that passes all understanding.

In Galatians 5:22, our Bible states, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.”

Through prayer you attune yourself to the Spirit of God. Through prayer you enjoy rich benefits in your daily living. There is an effervescent quality added to your life, and you sparkle with happiness, glow with good health, and prosper in all your ways.

When you hold fast to God the fruit of the Spirit will provide increased love in your life for yourself, and for others.

When you hold fast to God, you will have that effervescent joy.

When you hold fast to God, you will have peace that passes all understanding.

When you hold fast to God, you will have patience because you know that good outcomes are coming.

When you hold fast to God, you will always be kind, because God is kind.

When you hold fast to God, you have natural goodness in you and attracted to you.

When you hold fast to God, you walk in faithfulness.



Dear God, I realize You love me with the love that transcends any other love I have ever experienced or ever dreamed I could experience.
I feel Your love emanating from deep within me as strength and hope, peace and wisdom.
I recognize that I can never be separated from Your love.
So if I ever feel fearful, it’s because I have left You out of my thoughts, not because You have left me.
I now open my mind and heart to Your perfect love which casts out fear.
I am guided in a gentle, loving way.
I feel a reassurance of joy and energy.
I am strengthened and renewed, for I know that You love me unconditionally.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


Today, I have a Divine appointment with life.


“Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration.”
Evan Esar


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