Positive Daily Inspiration – September 29, 2023 – Claim Your Good from God

Positive Daily Inspiration - September 29, 2023
Claim Your Good from God

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“For God is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us.”
Ephesians 2:14

Have you ever felt like a person split in two with a partition, dividing your positive self, from your negative self?

You have a gold mine within you, more fabulous than the famous mines of King Solomon, or any of those that have been discovered in the Klondike, or California. Of course, this gold mine does not mean within the body. This gold mine is your direct connection spiritually with God your source – of all good in your life.

To operate this gold mine you need a contact with God. It will be of little avail to reach out for it without this special spiritual connection.

“Open Thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of God’s law.” Psalms 119:18

Allow me to share with you,

“The Shortest Book in the World.”

Chapter 1:

I walked down the path, not seeing a dog who bit me.

Chapter 2:

I walked down the path, pretending not to see a dog who bit me.

Chapter 3:

I walked down the path, saw a dog, but let him bite me out of habit.

Chapter 4:

I walked down the path, saw a dog coming toward me, and ran away from the dog.

Chapter 5:

I walked down a different path.

A happy ending! Isn’t that what we each want for our lives?

Do not be an expert in what you don’t want.

Become an expert in what you want. So often we walk down the path of what we do not want, just because we are used to it, and know the path.

Resignation to something bad happening is not following God’s will for your life. Settling for something that is less than your God-given potential is not either. If an old problem continues to persist – pray for inspiration, intelligence, and a whole new direction.

For example, if you are living in a shack, it is not any good pretending that it is a palace. That is only being “Pollyanna,” and it will get you nowhere in the end. Artificial optimism is not spiritual. Realize that you are living in a shack, but claim the presence of God, and that God will guide you to something better.

The spiritual way is to recognize the conditions surrounding you, but to know that they are only the present picture – that with God’s help you will reach your dreams.

Sit down quietly each day and think about God. Claim that God is with you and working in every circumstance in your life. Realize that God can and will change or circumstances. Daily spiritual meditations of this kind will sooner or later change your circumstances and bring them into harmony with the truth of God which means happiness, harmony, and abundance.

It does not matter what your present circumstances may be, the most important thing is to keep up your own interest, for God never loses interest in you and your life.

When your knees are knocking together, and you do not know which way to turn – think of God and God’s goodness.

When your coffers are empty, and prosperity seems out of the question – give thanks for God’s abundance.

When you want peace of mind – get away from things for a while, and dwell upon the presence of God instead.

When your health is under-par – speak that healing Word as Jesus did.

When you need inspiration – browse through the Bible.

When your faith is low – remember the words of Jesus, believe that you have received and you shall receive.

When the situation seems to need a miracle – remember that nothing is too difficult for God, and that God is performing miracles every day.

Always “make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” Go to God with praise and thanksgiving. If you can do that, this will become the most powerful prayer of all.

If everything seems to be sticking – stop struggling and thank God constantly for setting you free.

Sometimes the path that is not working for us is mental and emotional. If you feel depressed or discouraged – work to realize God’s life and joy, and give thanks for these things. If you are nervous or frightened, throw the responsibility on God, and tell God that you know you are safe in God’s arms.

If you want to make faster progress – claim understanding and spiritually affirm the Divine love is working through you continuously.

God intended you to have dominion over your life, to be the captain of your soul. You should be active in that kind of activity that will cause you to reach the port of your intended dreams.

You are the captain of your soul and proceeding with all sails set, and when you have put your life on a spiritual basis, you can say with Jesus, “I and the Father are one. It is not I that doeth the works but the Father in me.”

You cannot expect to reach port if you constantly making excuses for yourself or your path, or you leave dark corners in your life.

Do not try to straddle the fence. If you wish to accomplish anything, you must be single-minded. It will be going the long way around if you first turn left, and then turn right when you really want to go straight ahead. Let nothing turn you from the spiritually inspired path.

Don’t freeze on your way; don’t let change fill you with fear. Fill up instead with a complete spiritual consciousness of God’s presence, power, and active help in your life.




Dear God, Whenever I have questions or concerns, I immerse myself in an awareness of You, the powerful Spirit who watches over me and those I care about. I turn away from human reasoning, longing, and fears and ask You to show me the way and lead me to the fullness of Your good.

Dear God, I ask for Your help today. I believe that You will help me. I pray to be guided and directed by You and to know exactly what to do. In this moment in time, in prayer, I ask for Your direction.

When You speak to me, I listen to the still small voice and experience an inner knowing of what I am to do. With every fiber of my being, I am open and attentive to the wisdom of the one true source of good. I actively listen for Your guidance and agree to follow where You direct.

I have faith that answers are being revealed. I place my trust in You and feel the security of being Divinely guided.

Thank You, God, for going before me and showing me the way to make the crooked places straight and orderly.

In Jesus Christ’s name, Amen
(Positive Christianity Encyclopedia of Prayer)


I set God before me this day, to guide, to govern, to protect, and to prosper me.


“Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising to tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has it’s victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson


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