Positive Daily Inspiration – September 4, 2023 – On this Labor Day – Spiritually Recharge Yourself

Positive Daily Inspiration - September 4, 2023
On this Labor Day - Spiritually Recharge Yourself

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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Accept God’s promise as given to you through the words of Jesus Christ: “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
John 10:10

A friend of mine was the late author Mary Kupferle. She was a great writer that talked directly to the reader.

One of her great writings was “Just as you are – God loves you!”

Just as you are, God loves you. No matter how unimportant you think you are, regardless of how wrongly you think you have handled everything in your life, how little faith you seem to have, or how inadequate that you feel, God loves you.

You are an integral and vital part of God’s creation. You are created in God’s image and likeness, even though you may not as yet be aware of your spiritual heritage.

“God loves me.” Say that today with conviction. Let these words be written upon your mind. God loves you!

You do not have to measure up to anyone else’s expectations of you in order for God to love you. You do not have to be something others think you should be or something different from what you are now in order to merit God’s love. Just as you are, God loves you.

When you, dear friend, go through a challenge in your life that perhaps hurts you, brings you frustration, makes you weep, or despair, struggle or strain, rebel or protest, remember that the love of God is always yours.

Remind yourself: Just as I am, God loves me. Remember that you are worthy of good.

You are worthy of the best in life, as God’s heir and joint heir with Christ. You are worthy of healing of any physical ill. You are worthy of success in your chosen field. You are worthy of happiness, of the enjoyment of every life experience. You are worthy of enjoyment of right companionship, right associates in business.

You are worthy of pleasurable moments EVERY day.

Just as you are, God loves you. In this realization you grow stronger, more peaceful, more stable, more understanding, more loving, more giving. You know that nothing stands between you and your good. You are worthy of learning and expressing the things you desire to learn and express.

Tell yourself that God loves you, that God is pouring out God’s good upon you. Accept the ways and means that God will open up to you to bring you fulfillment.

Go all the way in your belief that God loves you, that you are needed and important to God. Commit your ways and your days to God who knows you better than you know yourself.




I see myself as a spiritual being.
I am spiritually endowed with everything that I will ever need for my eternal ongoing.
I lack nothing.
I rejoice in the possessions of my life, but I am not possessed by them.
I rejoice in the people in my life, but I do not bind or hold them to me possessively.
I rejoice in the experiences of my life, but I do not look back and long for the past.
I live today enriched by the experiences of the past but free in the eternal now!
I hold no grudges.
I do not use the word blame.
I am a spiritual being, capable and strong in accepting the responsibility of my own person.
In the realization of my spiritual self, I find my oneness with my Christ within.
I am inwardly guided, outwardly protected.
I walk the way of this earth doing that which is mine to do.
I am not possessed by anyone or anything.
I am free in the warm, healing, loving realization that I am a child of God.

Dorothy Pierson (From the Positive Christianity Encyclopedia of Prayer)


God loves me just as I am.


“If there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life, as in hoping for another life, and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.”
Albert Camus


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