Positive Daily Inspiration – September 7, 2023 – TRAIN OF THOUGHT

Positive Daily Inspiration - September 7, 2023

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Happy is the person who finds wisdom, and the person who gets understanding.”
Proverbs 3:13

You can control your thinking by changing the direction of the head locomotive thought, a long train of thoughts will follow the chief good thought. This will uplift you as it runs continuously through your mind.

I have taken trains in the United States and overseas. There is something special about train travel. It is a leisurely trip with picture windows that show a panorama of the beauty of our world.

There is always an argument that European trains are better, more up-to-date and more luxurious.

That got me to thinking.

The greatest transportation system in your world is your train of thought. It can and will carry you wherever you direct it to go. Trains of thought have destinations as clearly discernible as those scheduled on a railway timetable. Right now, your train of thought is carrying you on to destinations that you have consciously or unconsciously chosen in the past are choosing now, and will choose, or modify, or change completely in the future.

There is always an initial thought that is like a locomotive. The locomotive always has other thoughts waiting to link to it, soon you have a long, long, long train of thought that runs continuously in circles inside of your mind, and creates conditions in your life leading to desired, or undesirable destinations.

If you are really interested in the destination which you are headed, you can invite your train of thought to come in to your awareness. A train of thought filled with separation, fear, resentment, guilt, condemnation, deprecation has readily predictable destinations; illness, depression, unhappiness, deteriorating relationships, depleted energy are all unhappy destinations such a train of thought unfolds.

A train of thought filled with love, joy, faith, forgiveness, praise, and thanksgiving clearly shows it is headed for bright, joyous destinations; health, prosperity, happiness, fulfilling relationships, new energies, and freedom are readily predictable destinations.

When you realize that you are on a train of thought headed for a destination you do not want, it is your God-given privilege to change trains.

There are always stations along the way in your own mind, where you can make the switch in your train of thought. The process might be described in words like these:

“I realize I am on a train of thought that’s headed for a destination where I have no desire to go. I will simply get off this train and board a train headed for a destination to my greater liking. I am created in the image of God, and I have no business on a train of thought headed for a destination that is unhealthy for me.”

Then praise and give thanks, rejoice and be glad, as you acquaint yourself with the contents of your new train and keep your faith and attention on your new destination.

If you find yourself momentarily back on the former train, you can simply make the switch again. Your new train of thought will soon be much more attractive to you than the old one ever was, and you will be underway to your new destination.

If you have ever been on an inferior train of thought long enough to have reached an unpleasant, unhealthy, or otherwise undesirable destination, there is always a happy choice available to you. You can simply board a new train of thought that gets you out of there as fast as possible and moves you toward a more desirable destination.

A bit of inner conversation like the following might be a marvelous step toward a better destination.

“This is no place for me, a human being created in the image of God. So I now board a train of thought that gets me out of this predicament and moves me into a healthier, happier, richer, more fulfilling destination.”

The greatest transportation system in your world has the capacity to move you to the greatest destination of all: oneness with God.

Any lesser destination is only temporary, and the sooner you board the train that brings you into an awareness of God’s ever-present help, the less likely you are to be on trains of thought that lead to undesirable destinations.

The place or a situation where you are now is relatively unimportant if you are willing to board the train of thought that carries you to your greatest destination, God.

We pray today for you – that ALL your journeys are great ones.



Dear God, I pray that my train of thought leads me to destinations – where I want to go.



Nothing can defeat God’s purpose in my life because I am eternally secure in God’s love.


“Everyone has a fair turn to be as great as he pleases.”
Jeremy Collier


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