Positive Daily Inspiration – September 8, 2023 – The Big Soul Decision to Be a Better Person

Positive Daily Inspiration - September 8, 2023
The Big Soul Decision to Be a Better Person

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.”
Luke 6:37

There comes a time in every life when a person must decide what type of person they want to be for the rest of their life. Decide to become a better person. This is a soul choice, which hopefully you will make to permanently better yourself.

Today you decide to become a better person.

You are not locked into who you were yesterday. The true grace of God is that we are not held in a prison of yesterday. God’s will for you is to expand and become the best person that you can be. Life is not meant to be stagnant and true spirituality will bring growth to your soul.

Growth experiences do not have to be painful. Many times, we have chosen as human beings to grow through attending the school of hard knocks.

Many times, we have refused to move until hit by the cosmic two by four of life. Today let’s expand our spiritual growth by consciously consenting to it. We take Jesus’ words in Luke and decide to live this day by striving to manifest the perfection of this teaching in our daily life.

Today you do not judge others in regard to their guilt or innocence. You consider yourself and how you stand in the sight of God. Reform begins with yourself. You do not condemn anyone in your life today. You do not condemn anyone on television, or in the news. You do not condemn the other political party, or others of different religious views. Today you actively pardon everyone that you have put into prison in your mind. You forgive and release all the captives of opinion and judgment. Today you also forgive yourself for all mistakes made in the past so that you can be free to seek the full perfection of God’s love.

You can change the world directly through a chain reaction of good that starts with your thinking and your actions. You start with yourself. You start with a happy thought to lift your own spirits. You start with one smile, one word of encouragement, one sincere expression of appreciation, and lift the spirits of those around you. You behold God’s goodness in someone with whom you have been at cross purposes. You extend a helping hand to someone who really needs a friend. You cease being afraid to love your enemies. You practice peace within.

You stop judging, you stop resisting, and you begin to see God’s goodness in all people and in all situations, everywhere.



Dear God, I am ready to become a new me.
I consent to Your leading.
I no longer resist.
Help me to better myself and become a permanently better person.
Help me to stop judging.
Help me to stop condemning others.
Help me forgive others, and myself.
Help me to know that my future is not my past.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


God has given me the power to change for the better.


“Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor.”
Brian Tracy


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