Positive Daily Inspiration – October 10, 2023 – Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

Positive Daily Inspiration - October 10, 202
Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“God HAS MADE KNOWN TO US in all wisdom and insight the mystery of God’s will.”
Ephesians 1:9

The harmony of the beloved hymn that we all recall, resounds the truth – Holy, holy, holy … Lord God Almighty. We now go to God in prayer.

Feel the chair supporting you. Feel your body sink deeply into the soft cushions. Feel your feet inside your shoes as they touch the floor. Sit up as straight as it is comfortable for you. Raise your head up high. Feel your spine lengthen and straighten as you do so.

Feel God is supporting you in the same way, uplifting you, and your life.

Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Take another. Breathe it in, deeply and let it out, slowly. Follow your breath, in and out. Peace be still. Peace be still.

As you breathe in, deeply, and let it out, slowly, know your connectedness with God.

Say silently to yourself in prayer: God is with me.

With the in-breath say, “God goes ahead of me preparing my way of good.”

With the out-breath say, “God is with me.”

Rest in the silence of prayer …

Let the Presence and experience of God’s holiness permeate you from this moment on throughout the day. May the holiness of God come together and touch you, completely, missing nothing.

In the silence of prayer, you become still and realize that the love of God is flowing throughout your being. You recognize Divine love as the one true source of all that you will ever need. You know that as Divine love works through you, it will bring harmony to every circumstance in your life.

Let us sit now in the silence of prayer and meditate in this way, breathing in, deeply, breathing out, slowly, and repeating silently: God is with me. With the in-breath say “God goes ahead of me preparing my way of good,” and with the out-breath say, “God is with me.”

Do this now in the silence of prayer …

We are filled with the whole, complete Spirit of God’s help.

We give thanks to God for Divine guidance, we are grateful that it is available to us at all times. Wisdom and good judgment are ours to be experienced when we follow the inspiration we’ve received from God.

We know that we are being Divinely directed on the path that will lead us to the greatest happiness and success.

For this experience and for the presence of the Presence, we are grateful.

In Jesus Christ’s name

And so, it is … Amen.



As I hold to thoughts of Divine order, my life is orderly and peaceful.


“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.”
Ayn Rand


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Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.