Positive Daily Inspiration – October 11, 2023 – DELIGHT in The Lord

Positive Daily Inspiration - October 11, 2023
DELIGHT in The Lord

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Trust in the Lord, to do good … Take DELIGHT in the Lord, and God will give you the desires of your heart.”
Psalms 37:3,4

This day use the spiritual energy of attracting power of delight and bring the desires of your heart.


One of the keys of the above Bible quote is to “DELIGHT in the Lord.” This is positive faith at its best. Delight means to be pleased greatly, it means great pleasure, and joy. When you are in a state of delight, you are in your highest energy, where you can do things that would be impossible, when you are downcast.

Like an automobile has gears that allow it to go slow, or at high speed, you too have a spiritual gearing. When you are in a state of delight, you are running at your very highest speed, one that produces great creativity, and even genius thinking, through you. It is a state of consciousness that produces a heaven on earth environment. You are not affected by your surroundings; you are affected by what you feel at your core.

Through the presence of God, you have access to world of infinite possibilities. Nothing is impossible to you because nothing is impossible to God. You delight in God’s possibilities and in this high state of energy; you use your creative imagination to think thoughts not limited by present circumstances.

The imagination has been called the scissors of the mind, for with it you mentally “cut the pattern” of future forms and events. You can write your own kind of novel daily if you have the imagination, and heart to see the greatness in daily life.

You can never receive anything in life that you can’t first picture in your mind. To set it right, see it right! Be bold and adventurous in your imagination. It is the only way to go. You will be working in accordance with your God-given gifts, according to your faith of delight.

You can be whatever you want to be. Anything you can imagine – you can express. The more you dare to imagine your desired good as a fulfilled result, the more you dare to live your mental images, the faster the imaging power of your mind will begin producing faith-filled results for you.

Thinking is a Divine gift from God. Imagination is a phase of thought that makes thinking productive. Old or young, the finely honed creative imagination is the result of exercise and use. Of all the workings of the mind, perhaps the most important is imagination. As your leg muscles are strengthened by walking, so is your imagination by use. Since nature of the imagination is to grow and expand and change, it is anything but static and can be developed into astonishing power, even from seeming nothingness.

Throughout history there has been no progress of humans without expansion of the imagination. Faith in God perceives the good and imagination pictures or conceives it in absolute delight. And thus, a pattern is set up for the mind to live in absolute delight. You do live in your mind.

Many people would not walk through their own minds late at night – because it’s a scary place. But when you live in delight, all the world becomes heaven, and all heaven manifests as your world.

Spend this week exercising your God-given DELIGHT.



I am delighted!
I rejoice in my life, this day.
I experience the fullness of the God-directed life.
I am thrilled that life is pulsating through every cell of my body.
I am grateful for each God-filled moment in my life.
I am thankful for the goodness of God which allows me to experience life more fully, each day.

I am delighted to be alive.

Right now, as I read this, I am delighted in the fullness of God-directed life.
I turn my attention to God and place God first in my every thought, word, and action.
I am able to overcome challenges and accept responsibilities confidently.
God has created me for a full life, and I live in delight.
I release any thought, habit, or tendency that hints of stagnation or limitation.
If I have beliefs that are useless and outworn, I easily let them go.
I constantly improve on my past.
With God’s help, I am better than I was yesterday, and following Jesus Christ, I will be better tomorrow than I am today.

I love life because God is life. God life is expressed in and around me.
I have a deep reverence for life and all its diverse expressions.
Therefore, I delight in life and I am living it freely, fully, and victoriously.
I make the decision to enjoy every day that I live, and I decide to become more alive in my life, beginning right now.

I am delighted.

I live and move in the glow of God’s pure love.
Through me, God’s love delights every person coming into my path.
Love is aglow in every atom and cell of my being.
Love soothes my life, calms my life, and pours forth a healing balm into every situation and relationship.
I now relate to everyone in a new way.

Divine delight satisfies every longing in my life.

At times, I may feel as though I have moved through darkness.
By affirming that I live and move in the glow of pure God’s delight, darkness is dispelled.
Love shines from within me, and only my own limited beliefs and negative thoughts can dim its glow.
I choose not to dim – but to glow.

God’s delight causes me to rejoice in life.
God’s pure love is always with me.
I arise, recognize it, and let it shine.
I am empowered to go forth and do what is mine to do this time.

I am secure in the knowledge that wherever I am, and wherever I go, I live and move in the glow of God’s pure delight.
Thank You God, I delight!

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I am delighted!


“Happiness is not a matter of events, it depends upon the tides of the mind.”
Alice Meynell


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