Positive Daily Inspiration – October 13, 2023 – GOD WILL GUIDE THE GUIDABLE

Positive Daily Inspiration - October 13, 2023

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill will be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain.”
Isaiah 40:4

In God, you live and move and have your being. You ask God’s guidance in all that you do. You listen in the stillness of prayer, for instruction, so that all your actions are guided by God.

Like a child with absolute trust, you turn every situation in your life over to God’s care. You know that the light of God’s wisdom shines on every step you take. The darkness is gone and you see clearly. You take one step at a time on the pathway of spiritual living.

The still depths of the ocean are undisturbed by surface waves. In the still depths of prayer, God’s spirit resides. The pure life of God is undisturbed by experiences. Therefore, as you take your stand with God, you remain stable and steady. The maze of life is untangled with God’s help. The valleys of life are lifted up, the mountains of problems are leveled, and the rough places smoothed out.

If you are facing a challenge, you keep your thoughts away from the waves of discomfort and anchored in the depths of peace and quiet in God. A miracle takes place, for miracles are natural. God-given guidance comes forth that is unimpeded by fear and questioning. You never fail to keep in touch with the still depths of prayer out of which all answers emanate.

You take your stand with God, for in God there is no lack. In God, there is order, and it springs forth from within you. You bring your outer experiences in line with the inner spiritual you. This spiritual part of you does not get impatient or frustrated with outer conditions– for it knows its connection with God.

Following Jesus Christ, you remember the biblical passage in Philippians 1:27, “Let your manner of life be worthy of the Gospel of Christ.”

You dedicate a portion of your prayer time to being one with God, rather than always talking to God.

In the silence of prayer, you truly experience the presence of God. You feel the all-encompassing love of God and rest in the stillness where all answers come forth. Your prayer needs no words; your prayer is silent communion with God. The silence of prayer is a time of knowing in the depths of your soul that you are one with God.

In the silence of prayer, you lay aside all cares and concerns of the outer world. In the silence of prayer, you come to God for an infilling of assurance, and you receive it.

You return to the outer world with the trust in the power of God to direct you and to perfect all in your life..



Dear God, I ask you to transform my thoughts so that I can think clearly and act wisely.
I pray You will illumine me with Your wisdom.
I know that You are always available to guide and uplift, to illumine and inspire my every thought.
As I pray, I am filled with wisdom and insight.
My way is clear.
I am filled with the light of Your truth.
I see clearly and unmistakably which way to go.
I follow my guidance surely and confidently, for I know that its source is from You.
I know that my decisions are founded in the Truth of Christ.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


God’s guidance expresses itself through me, and draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life complete.


“There is no royal road to anything. One thing at a time, all things in succession. That which grows fast, withers as rapidly. That which grows slowly, endures.”
Josiah Gilbert Holland


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