Positive Daily Inspiration – October 19, 2023 – POTENTIAL

Positive Daily Inspiration - October 19, 2023

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“With humans it is impossible, but not with God; for ALL things are possible with God.”
Mark 10:27

No matter what seems impossible in your life, God can bring the possible help to help you reach your potential.

The Bible teaches you that, through faith in God, you have the potential to rise above all adversity and achieve victory.

This is as true today, as it was in Jesus’ day.

Nothing is impossible when you focus your attention and faith on God. God is with you every moment and can be called upon for help in every need. By trusting in God completely, Moses led the Israelites to the Promised Land; Elijah raised the widow’s son from the dead; Jesus Christ healed the sick, fed the multitudes, and overcame death; and Paul rose above torture and imprisonment to carry the good news of the risen Christ to all who would listen!

You, too, enter a promised land of abundant plenty as you focus your faith on God’s promises to you. You are made whole, well, and perfect in every way when you accept God as your health and wholeness. You are prospered abundantly and your desires are fulfilled as a direct result of your faith in God’s will of good for you. With God, all things are possible for you and your future IS bright.

Every second of your life you are surrounded by the life-sustaining air that provides the oxygen you need. Although you’re not always conscious of the air around you, it is present.

In much the same way, you are constantly surrounded and enfolded by God’s life-giving, loving provision for you. Divine love will prosper you today and everyday and fulfill and motivate you.

God is everywhere present; therefore, Divine love and Divine potentiality is everywhere present with you – in your life today and into the tomorrow’s of your life. God’s loving provision for you assures you that you have all that you need to be prosperous in your days ahead.

God’s love is accessible to you at all times, regardless of where you are.

Let us take time to become still in prayer by making a conscious connection with God. Then we become aware of the guidance that we need, head of the actions that we are to take.

We pray for an open mind that is receptive to God in guiding us to our potential, to the way for true prosperity to be made manifest in our life, and in all circumstances of our life.

Reach your potential with God’s help. With God – NOTHING – is impossible!



Dear God, I ask for Your help, in helping me reach my potential.
I pray that I will no longer believe in the impossible situations.
I now connect with You.
I now have a dynamo of spiritual power, insight and energy working within me.
I have the stamina to go beyond yesterday’s barriers.
Thank You God for Your help.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I have great God-given potential and I reach it with God’s help.


“If opportunity doesn’t knock – build a door!”
Milton Berle


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