Positive Daily Inspiration – October 26, 2023 – Wellspring of Life

Positive Daily Inspiration - October 26, 2023
Wellspring of Life

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“May the peace of God directly sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound.”
1 Thessalonians 5:23

A person can radiate vitality, when fully connected in awareness to their source – God.

The Bible says that you live in the temple of the living God. A temple is a magnificent structure that proclaims humankind’s praise to the glory of God.

Your body is a marvelous temple that houses spirit and soul and proclaims your praise to the glory of God. Your spirit, soul, and body cooperate in harmony to create a state of Godly wholeness.

You are grateful for the Divine design in which you were created by the Creator. You give thanks for the perceivable and the unseen health – from vibrant skin to perfectly functioning organs.

Although the healing process can be assisted, your body knows how to heal itself. God’s healing power is active as cells and tissues are restored and renewed. In thought, word, and action, you cooperate with the healing process of God.

The same wellspring of life of which Jesus spoke is within you now.

Radiant God-given life wells up from within you. Ever-renewing life searches for us to reveal the limitless opportunities of renewal and vitality that are available to you.

You are radiantly alive, and you show it. The wellspring of life is expressed by you in limitless ways.

In the Bible, in John 4:14, it states, “Whoever drinks of the water that I give them will never thirst; the water that I shall give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

God’s healing life circulates throughout your body right now. Perfect God-given health is yours. God’s life perfecting power brings forth wholeness in your mind and body now. You are healed continuously in God’s glory. Every cell in your body responds to God’s healing, and you are totally whole and well. Every cell of your body is alive and alight with God’s healing activity. You radiate vitality.

Peace precedes all healing, and so we at Positive Christianity pray that God’s love permeates your mind, heart, and body, blessing you with peace and order and overflowing to establish peace in your world.



Dear God, I pray that I am a picture of Divine God-given health.
I pray that I am re-created under the Divine blueprint of perfection.
My body temple is filled with Your life-giving energy.
I am whole in body.
I am whole in mind.
I am whole in soul.
Thank You God, for infilling me with wholeness.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


Whatever I am searching for, God is my direct answer.


“The Spirit of truth projects into the chamber of imagery pictures that, rightly understood, will be a sure guide for all people who believe in the omnipresence of mind.”
Charles Fillmore


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