Positive Daily Inspiration – October 3, 2023 – Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

Positive Daily Inspiration - October 3, 2023
Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast.”
Psalm 139:10

This moment is one of the greatest moments of our lives. Truly, the high point of any life is prayer. It is a time when we rise above human mind and all of its problem thoughts, and turn to the Mind of God, and all of Its solution thoughts.

In so doing, we find heaven and we find a new awareness of everything in our lives.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

In Matthew 5:25, Jesus said, “Agree with thine adversary quickly.” In prayer, we now take the initial step by agreeing with any adversary in our lives. Something we might not be able to do with human mind alone, we can do in this higher spiritual state – this prayer consciousness we are in now.

Through the power of God, we stop thinking that we have an adversary. If, in our human mind, we see our world as filled with enemies or pitfalls, we are not seeing aright. We rise above that consciousness, spiritually.

If some person or situation causes us to feel unloved or unsure, we rise above that consciousness.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

We no longer forget our true identity as a child of God. In this moment of prayer, we reconnect. We are children of God. We are beloved of God. We are sustained and supported by a loving Presence–the power of God. Nothing can keep our God-given good from us, and no one can keep our happiness from us.

We realize in this moment in time that our happiness is from God and we accept it.

The first person we agree with, in prayer, is ourselves.

A new understanding dawns on our entire life; a spiritual understanding dawns. If you have an experience that keeps coming back to your human mind to haunt you – ask for a healing of that now.

Ask for God-love to infill your consciousness and the space that is called your human brain with new spiritual insight and vision.

Rest in the silence of prayer …

“Agree with thine adversary quickly.” Let us consider, in prayer, the word “quickly.” Many times, disagreements and differences have festered in our human minds. Sometimes, we have allowed, in our thinking, those thoughts to become exaggerated and out of proportion. We ask, this day, for a healing of this. Dear God, bring my problems down to size. Minister to me in their reduced size. Help me to see aright this moment – that I am not alone, that You are with me, and together, we are a majority over any problem.

You are one, this day, with the Mind of God. You are no longer like a frightened child. You are a child of the living God. Your mind and your heart are open to this light. This is the time, right now, in your life to firmly establish your faith that all things work together for good, and that God is able to turn every challenging experience into a blessing.

Yes, from our human mind we may not see how, but that is not for us to see in this moment. It is for us – to have faith, because there is a greater Mind that is working in us, through us, and around us.

We relax.

We let go.

We let God.

Relax for a moment in the presence of God, in the silence of prayer.

Dear God, we agree with our adversaries. With Your help, we withdraw emotional and physical support from any dispute that is taking place in our human minds. We refuse to think in terms of adversaries. We know that the love of God is always in charge and only good prevails. We are agreeing with our adversaries.

The unifying power of Divine love is expressed in you, harmonizing and blessing your life and affairs. I decree, once again, with the power of the spoken word: The unifying power of Divine love is expressed in you, harmonizing and blessing your life and affairs.

Who is my adversary? We can honestly answer, “No one.”

In and through the power of Jesus Christ, we pray, giving thanks … Amen.



God, in the sacred atmosphere of my awareness, I fully awakened to Your presence.


“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.”
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


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Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.