Positive Daily Inspiration – October 4, 2023 – God’s Majesty

Positive Daily Inspiration - October 4, 2023
God's Majesty

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“For you shall go out in joy and be led back in peace.”
Isaiah 55:12

Spending time with God is more than going to church – it is immersing yourself in God’s creation and allowing that awareness to soak deeply into your soul.

A few years ago, I met a man, I will call Harold for this piece. He had just been laid off from his job at 59 years of age. He was in despair, almost inconsolable.

I prayed with him, and I was led in prayer to tell him to go camping. I told him camping doesn’t cost anything, or very little. I asked him to get into nature and the focus as much as he was able on God’s beauty.

Harold protested, arguing that he had too much to worry about, to do something silly like that.

Harold became one of my success stories. Or, more correctly said, one of God’s success stories – because it was God completely, that lead me to give him this advice.

Harold did go camping, for the first couple days he spent the most miserable days of his life. Then something changed as the beauty overtook him. The wonder of God was so intense, it could not be overlooked, even from someone temporarily blinded by their misfortune.

Harold is now employed doing something completely different, and he is a success in more ways than one.

A few days spent with God alone, immersed, and saturated in God’s beauty turned his whole life around. He was later even able to admit how miserable he was before in his old career. He now counts it as one of his greatest blessings that he was laid off, instead of spending the rest of his life in partial misery.

We get so busy in life we forget to look at what really matters.

When you look at the vastness of the ocean or stand at the foot of a towering mountain, you are often awestruck by the power and glory of God. You feel a specially filled with a reverence when you realize that the Divine energy which created such majesty – also created you.

As you consider the beauty and greatness of natural wonders, you could feel insignificant in comparison. However, you realize that nothing could be further from the truth. You are not insignificant at all!

You are important and unique, for you, too, are God’s creation.

This understanding fills you with a deep sense of joy and peace that lingers like the pleasing aroma of a flower garden. As you live each day in the joy and peace naturally within you, you remember who you are – a creation of the Almighty.

The beauty of a rainbow arching across the sky after a rain shower is a wonder that captures everyone’s attention. Yet, such a stunning sight is composed of apparently colorless droplets of water – until they are caught in the light of the sun.

Each droplet that makes up the rainbow remains a particle of water. The physical aspect of it has not changed; the mere addition of sunlight has caused all to see its potential.

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” You can reflect beautiful light in your life – -the light of God. As you reflect the joy and the peace of God that come through knowing the presence of God, your true potential can be seen.

Spiritually decide to become joyful. This day go out in joy realizing that God goes ahead of you, and you will be led back to where you started with absolute peace.

God’s majesty is all around you, however, realize that you are God’s greatest work of majesty. The Creator created each one of us unique and special. We are individualized expressions of the greatness of God.

We are needed. We have each been given unique talents, different bodies, different minds, and different souls. We have free will to co-create, invent, and produce unique beauty with our one-of-a-kind fingerprint placed upon it.

Make a commitment to making your life a joyful journey, enjoying the road less traveled by becoming aware of the beauty around you, and within you. We pray that you experience God’s peace as you walk this high path of awareness.



Dear God, I pray that I always look to You and Your creation for my rejuvenation of peace and joy.
Help me daily to remember that I need nature as I need sunlight and air.
Guide me to places of Your beauty and infill me with your ever-abiding presence.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


As a child of God, I joyfully declare my oneness with all life.


Live purely.
Be quiet.
Do your work with mastery.
Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds!


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