Positive Daily Inspiration – October 5, 2023 – God’s Blessing

Positive Daily Inspiration - October 5, 2023
God's Blessing

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“The blessing of the Lord makes rich.”
Proverbs 10:22

Ask for the blessing of the Lord.

When God blesses your life, it stays blessed. God can give you an idea that can transform your entire life and change failure to lasting and ever-expanding success.

All existing forms of blessings were once ideas. Every blessing idea was acted upon in some way before God’s blessing manifested. All the blessing of God that is, or that is yet to be, originates in the Divine ideas and the rich resources of your own God. You tap this abundant, eternal resource through prayer, and draw your blessing to you by implementing the ideas that God gives personally to you.

God’s blessing is important to everyone, for through it you are able to express and experience more of this great life that you have been given. Also, through your blessings received you are able to be a blessing to others in your world. Welcome and accept God’s blessing this day knowing that it is God’s will for you.

God does not limit you; you are the one that limits yourself. You are not defined by your failures unless you allow yourself to be. You are defined not by your falling down but by your getting up. You are not defined by your fears, but by your perseverance. You are not defined by your mistakes, but by your corrections.

This day, you pray for Divine ideas to fill your life, and your mind. You pray for God bless your life with an idea that is filled with genius beyond the limitations of human thinking.

In the silence of prayer, let us turn to God as the source of our prosperity and open our minds and hearts to receive the rich blessings of God’s resources. You will be filled with prospering ideas that you use to enrich your life this week.



Dear God, I ask for the blessing of the Lord.
I have before me Your gift of a day that is filled with possibility.
I pray that You will open my eyes to see the good that lies before me.
I ask for Divinely guided ideas directly from You.
I pray that I can have Divine ideas that give me new hope.
I pray that I have the God-empowered faith to resist turning around and looking at past failure.
I pray that I am no longer blinded and limited by my own past.
I pray that I can believe in myself fully again so that I may move forward and accept Your ideas of good for me.
I ask for the personal motivation to act on the ideas that you give me so that I may become a success for the good of myself, and my family and others that I will bless along the way.
Thank You God for Your blessing.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I have the blessing of the Lord.


“Lots of things that couldn’t be done have been done.”
Charles Auston Bates


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