Positive Daily Inspiration – October 6, 2023 – PEACE IN THE WORKPLACE

Positive Daily Inspiration - October 6, 2023

a gift from www.PositiveChrstianity.net

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“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”
John 14:27

You can become a peacemaker – the most valuable asset to any organization.

Our positive prayer for today: Let there be peace in my workplace and let it began with me.

You do your part toward achieving workplace peace first by establishing it within yourself. By aligning yourself with the peace of Christ, you maintain true peace of mind. As you remain peaceful within, you are able to respond in love and wisdom.

When you keep your mind and heart centered in the Christ, peace flows from you and allows you to be a peacemaker in your workplace. Your prayer today is a declaration for workplace peace. You help establish and maintain a peaceful working environment as you think, speak, and act in peace. You encircle your workplace with peace.

Your work can be a way of expressing your God-given talents and abilities. A peaceful environment fosters creativity in all the work there is. As you work with others, you acknowledge that you are each coworker’s for God. Then you bring your best to your work and the best work to yourself.

A peaceful environment in your workplace will bring the expression of Divine ideas. God undergirds your work with inspiration, strength, and wisdom that will enable you to realize satisfaction, and a deep sense of purpose.

You bless your work with the positive, cheerful attitude. As you do, no activity in your workplace, or home seems tedious. You think of yourself and those that you work with as coworkers with God. You feel close to them because you are working together toward a common goal or achievement.

Prayer fosters peace, therefore you go into every meeting prayer prepared.

You bless with loving consideration your work with your employers, coworkers, clients and customers, and the work you do you will bless everyone in return.



Dear God, let there be peace in my workplace and let it begin with me.
I pray that I am an active channel of your Divine peace.
I pray that it will be absolutely impossible for anyone to be in my presence and not feel Your peace.
I give myself totally, this week, to becoming a peacemaker in my workplace.
Show me what to do, what to say, and when to do something that will bring peace, and a lasting change to my work environment.
I realize that I have a higher calling than just the task at hand, and I give myself totally to it.
I will not allow ego, or past hurt to stop me, for this is not about me, but about You, dear God.

I give myself to this activity this week, in Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


I am the peace of God made manifest.


“Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.”
Dennis Waitley


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