Positive Daily Inspiration – November 10, 2023 – LOVE OF GOD

Positive Daily Inspiration - November 10, 2023

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“We love, because He first loved us.”
1 John 4:19

All love in its pure form is from God, when we consent to allow this love to flow through us to others, our life becomes a heaven on earth.

The love of God is so powerful and unlimited that it is for all, and in all creation. How do we respond to the love of God? Responding to the greatest of all love may seem beyond our understanding and ability, and yet it is quite simple. The way is given to us in the above Bible quote.

“We love, because He first loved us.”

When we truly love one another, when we extend goodwill to ALL people everywhere, we are responding with God’s love.

When we make a conscious, or unconscious decision, to hold back love to those that we don’t know well, understand, or even on a human level dislike – we cheat ourselves from the full expression of God’s love coming through us. God’s love touches us first, before it touches another.

When we have compassion for those who are facing challenges, when we love and appreciate the wonders in the world about us, and when we love and treat ourselves as the children of God that we truly are, we are responding with God’s love.

The love of God flows freely through us. As we accept the love of God, we can then express the love of God to all and in all that we do.

No matter what your need may be, no matter what challenge you may be facing, you rely on the love of God with you to bring you through. The love of God within you is your source of strength.

As it says in the Bible in First Corinthians 3:16, “God Spirit dwells in you.” You realize that, as a child of God, you have all the ability and vitality you need to succeed in any endeavor and you can do it in a loving way.

The love of God is your source of love, and it is your source of peace. You become quiet in the silence of prayer and you experience the love of God and the peace of God which passes all understanding. From prayer you emerge feeling loved and enfolded.

You emerge feeling calm, confident and reassured.

The love of God is your source of faith. The sustaining presence of God uplifts you in any challenge by enabling you to see the good within all people and every situation.

The love of God enables you to love your life, and everyone in it.

You express your faith in God by expressing love in yourself and for others.

You rely on the love of God to bless, sustain and uphold you and your loved ones with peace, strength, and faith.



Dear God, I pray that Your love is fully manifested in and through me.
I decree that the love of God is my strength, my peace and my faith.

Divine love, active in me, is the power that brings forth God’s perfect order in my life and all that concerns me.

I respond to life and to the people in my life with God’s love.
My every action and reaction are fueled by the perfect love of God.
Every thought in my memory is based on the love of God, or it is cast out of me, forever.

I give my mind, my body and my soul completely and totally over to the awareness of God’s love.

I pray that I totally feel the love of God in my emotions.

I pray that I bask in the love of God today and fully enjoy and comprehend what is happening inside of me.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Right Now … Amen


I press forward with confidence because of the confidence that God has in me.


“The art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than in growing with them.”
Bernard M. Baruch


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