Positive Daily Inspiration – November 9, 2023 – Your Mission Statement

Positive Daily Inspiration - November 9, 2023
Your Mission Statement

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Mark 16:15

(Gospel means good news. This goes beyond what is in the pages of the Bible, and preaching in the traditional sense – the greatest preaching is by example, showing the good way that you live your life.)

Write a mission statement for your life and refer back to it often. Use it as a personal spiritual guide and roadmap of what you want to become.

We often have requests from people that want to read our mission statement because our ministry is so unique and so broad in scope. Below is our Mission Statement, then I am going to ask you what yours is.

Positive Christianity Mission Statement

With Jesus Christ as the sole head and chief cornerstone of this ministry, we are dedicated to being the world’s best in serving people of ALL faiths with a positive, uplifting awareness of God; using Advanced Technology with high human touch, we give people instant, equal access to prayer, inspiration, ministerial services, teaching, counseling, and renewal through spiritual retreats.

We build people. Our building projects are people’s lives. We do not strive to build buildings, we strive to build people.

Positive Christianity is the worldwide Internet PRAYER PLACE welcoming all faiths, excluding no one. This ministry reaches the ends of the earth with a positive message of God. Not connected to any church, Positive Christianity is a prayer ministry without walls, physical or denominational, that the world can instantly access and use without cost.

We seek not to change a person’s spiritual path, but rather, to spiritually support people on their own chosen spiritual path.

Our mission is to uplift humanity, by providing free prayer help, free Positive Daily Inspiration e-mails, free television support.

Trusting God as our source, we follow the path of Christianity by always giving first.

We will never directly solicit funds from those that receive our free help.

This ministry will be supported by voluntary free-will offerings, and donations of those that it serves.

Many people think that mission statements are just for corporations, or churches. I believe that everyone should have their own personal Mission Statement.

What are you about?

What should be the theme of your life?

What are your core values?

These, and other questions, can be answered in your own personal Mission Statement.

I encourage you to write one. Spend time thinking about what you are about, what is important to you, and what you should be doing daily. This goes way beyond your job or career.

One of the happiest persons that I ever met was a 70 plus year old shoeshine man, at the Houston, Texas Airport. He is not there for the money; he chooses to be there because it is a vehicle for him to do the things that he is really about. He was doing soul work. I have watched this man, smile, and sing, and touch the hearts of passersby. I think, as busy as the Houston Airport is, that he touches thousands per day. He is highly intelligent and stimulating in conversation. Everyone is glad to see him. His son is a pilot, and he could be anywhere, but he chooses to do this so that he does not atrophy in life.

It is not what a person does, but what a person IS – that counts.

Often people do not think enough about themselves, who they are, what they are about. And silently they wonder, and question, because they know something is missing.

When you have a Mission Statement it helps you to ground yourself and make the proper decisions for your future course of actions. When faced with a question of which way to go, you go back to your personal Mission Statement and choose the way that best follows your core values.



Dear God, help me to see with a broad grand vision.
Help me to see what I can become.
I pray that You will help me write a mission statement for my life.
I pray that I will find new understanding of myself and my potential.
I pray that I will live up to the dream of becoming the best person that I can be.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


The Lord of my being is my life source, and I am strong, vital, and whole.


“Men’s best successes come after their disappointments.”
Henry Ward Beecher


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Christopher Ian Chenoweth and our prayer team.