Positive Daily Inspiration – December 10, 2023 – PEACE – Second Advent Week on our Journey Toward Christmas

Positive Daily Inspiration - December 10, 2023
PEACE - Second Advent Week on our Journey Toward Christmas

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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PEACE - Second Advent Week on our Journey Toward Christmas

PEACE – Second Advent Week on our Journey Toward Christmas

(For donations to be credited to the calendar year 2023 – see below)

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
John 14:27

So many people go through life being terrified. Spirituality is the depth of your bliss in the middle of everyday life. Often, life presents change and advancement. Let us become excited about life instead of becoming terrified. Let us realize that “God’s will” for us is absolute good, at all times and in all ways.

When the angel told humankind of the importance of Jesus birth, those witnesses were terrified. As we advance in spiritual growth, we would hope that if we were standing witness today, the biblical writers would instead record of us —

“Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were overjoyed and at peace.”

Why do we struggle so much going through life? I suppose, it’s because we think we are alone, or even abandoned. If we have faith in God, we are at peace.

Think about all the wasted days you spent in the past in tormented turmoil — and for what profit did it bring? Worry and anxiety bring only more worry and anxiety.

This Christmas, you decide to accept God’s good news. You make a conscious decision to enjoy your life instead of to agonize through the many days that are not so-called perfect.” You accept God’s gift of peace.

Truly, peace on earth begins with the individual. As you, individually, seek to live in harmony with yourself and others, you contribute to the peace of the world, and to the peace of the world you live in.

Whenever there is a concern for the world situation, prayer is always the answer. Prayer brings freedom from fear and pours a comforting benediction upon troubled waters. When you pray, you connect yourself to God’s peace. Prayer always leads to inner peace. Unless there is peace in your heart, there can be no peace in your individual world. Unless you find, through prayer, the resolution of the inner conflicts and the harmony that comes through forgiveness and understanding, your prayers for peace in your world will not be effective.

When one heart is full of love and lives peacefully and joyously with others, the whole world is lifted. Truly, this is following Jesus Christ.

Today and everyday of this second Advent week, let us consciously live in peace within ourselves and with all others, knowing that this is the way to a peace that will eventually fill the whole world.



Choose a family member or yourself to first light the first candle for Hope/Faith (purple candle) and the second candle for Peace (purple candle) from the Christ Candle (white candle).


“We light this first candle of advent representing Hope/Faith, and the second candle for peace. In the midst of unrest, anxiety, suffering, and sickness in our world, all of creation is groaning for peace. We cannot make it or create it or find it on our own. True peace comes from our Creator. True peace guides and guards our hearts and minds. True peace comes from Jesus. Peace has come into our lives.”


We decree with undoubting faith and acceptance:

The angel of the Lord shines around me and my family this Christmas and I find, through my own spiritual experiences, a profound birth of peace in my soul.
Thank you God!

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


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I am one with a great peace of God.


Let us have peace.
Ulysses S. Grant


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