Positive Daily Inspiration – December 11, 2023 – Bringing Peace and Harmony to Your Own World

Positive Daily Inspiration - December 11, 2023
Bringing Peace and Harmony to Your Own World

a gift from www.PositiveChristianity.net

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“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Matthew 5:9

You get, what you give, multiplied back – give peace and harmony to those around you.

When I wrote this it was raining outside of Positive Christianity, we had moved all the fall flower pots from under the patio, to be nourished outside by the gentle rain before full winter set in to Houston Texas.

Sometimes we treat our plants better than our human relationships.

We should harmonize and nourish all of our relationships constantly because in so doing they grow into things of beauty in our lives.

Today you decide to nourish every one of your relationships.

People can either be like sandpaper, or soft feather pillows, however most of the time we are somewhere in-between. The days that I have been like sandpaper I have made other people miserable, and they in turn have made me more miserable. The days that I have been like a pillow, I have been easy to be around. I have made others happy by my gentle presence, and in turn, they have made me even happier by the response that they gave me back.

You get what you give.

When you are with people, you make choices about the way that you interact with them. One of the most important choices you can make is to decide today to live and work in harmony with others.

If someone says or does something you do not agree with, or are offended by, you remember that you have been created by the God of love – to be loving. You can be and are courteous and respectful to all people.

You lose your God-given power when you react negatively. You have bought into the negativity instead of the peace and harmony of God. The world outside of you has little power on the God-given world inside of you, unless you allow it to.

A friendly reminder goes a long way in establishing a harmonious environment and good relationships.

So today you are reminded and empowered by God to be a harmonizer.

You live by the Golden Rule and treat others with the same acceptance as you would like them to treat you.

Your awareness of the presence of God prompts you to create a peace-filled, harmonious environment that nourishes all your relationships.

In Judges 13:17, our Bible states, “What is your name, so that we may honor you?” Name in the Bible means nature. People look at you and they quietly ask what is your nature? When your nature is peace and harmony they honor you with the same.

Let us nourish all of our relationships today FIRST through prayer.



Dear God, I think about all the people who have enriched my life, I feel such a desire to bless and honor them, and I can — in my prayer for each and every one of them:

“I give thanks to God for you. I honor you for all that you are and all that you do. Most of all, I appreciate you for being a unique and wonderful expression of God’s gifts in my life.

You are glowing with the light of God, and you radiate love and joy to all who are willing to receive. I have received wondrous nourishment from being in close association with you. Being in your presence warms my heart, for I can see God’s love in the radiant beauty of your face.

I feel so very Blessed to know you, and I give thanks for the wonderful, positive influence you have been for me. I give thanks for you directly to God. I love you, and I honor you for living as the sacred spirit that you are in my life.

Dear God, bless this relationship, and bless this person with Divine good. I thank them through You.

Thank You, God, for sending this person to be a part of my life.

In Jesus Christ’s name … Amen


My smiling face conveys friendship to others and to my world.


“Courage is grace under pressure.”
Ernest Hemingway


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